Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


Gene families and orthologs identified by Orthofinder
Orthofinder run ID1
Number of species3 (plus 9 species to which you have no access)
Number of orthogroups12062
Orthofinder inflation parameter1.5
Orthofinder version2.5.4
DownloadDownload Excel with counts and protein IDs (in separate sheets)
Showing orthogroup 1-2000
| 1-2000 || 2001-4000 || 4001-6000 || 6001-8000 || 8001-10000 || 10001-12000 || 12001-12062 || Show all |
Orthogroup Agaricus bisporus var bisporus H39 Agaricus bisporus var bisporus H97 Rhodonia placenta FPRL280 PFAM percentages
2 17 17 1 PF01185:Fungal hydrophobin (100.0%)
4 7 6 0 PF18758:Kyakuja-Dileera-Zisupton transposase (61.5%); PF18803:CxC2 like cysteine cluster associated with KDZ transposases (53.8%)
5 5 1 155 PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (42.9%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (22.4%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (16.8%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (10.6%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (10.6%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (8.7%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (8.1%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (1.9%); PF09668:Aspartyl protease (1.2%)
6 91 80 0 PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (94.7%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (91.2%)
7 25 23 3 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (98.0%)
8 6 5 8 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (94.7%)
9 2 2 19
10 0 0 148
11 0 0 147
12 0 0 28 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (25.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (14.3%)
13 8 7 0 PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (40.0%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (33.3%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (20.0%)
14 12 12 0 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (100.0%)
15 66 54 2 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (87.7%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (58.2%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (16.4%); PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (1.6%)
16 7 7 9 PF00505:HMG (high mobility group) box (91.3%); PF09011:HMG-box domain (43.5%)
17 1 1 35 PF20153:Family of unknown function (DUF6535) (81.1%)
18 18 16 0 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (94.1%)
19 12 13 4 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (86.2%)
20 0 0 127
22 0 0 1 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (100.0%)
23 12 12 25 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
24 1 1 10 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (41.7%)
25 10 10 3 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (13.0%); PF05834:Lycopene cyclase protein (4.3%)
26 20 16 3 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (89.7%)
28 2 4 0
30 5 108 1 PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (78.1%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (76.3%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (73.7%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (71.9%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (66.7%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (4.4%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (4.4%); PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (1.8%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (0.9%)
31 109 0 0 PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (97.2%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (96.3%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (96.3%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (87.2%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (78.9%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (7.3%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (6.4%); PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (5.5%)
32 4 4 8 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (62.5%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (56.2%)
34 2 2 6 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
35 12 12 2 PF00394:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%); PF07731:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%); PF07732:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%); PF00626:Gelsolin repeat (3.8%)
37 0 0 93 PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (92.5%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (2.2%)
38 0 0 97
39 3 3 5 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%); PF13894:C2H2-type zinc finger (27.3%); PF12874:Zinc-finger of C2H2 type (18.2%); PF01722:BolA-like protein (9.1%)
40 6 6 11 PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (60.9%); PF02263:Guanylate-binding protein, N-terminal domain (17.4%); PF04548:AIG1 family (13.0%); PF00735:Septin (8.7%); PF12152:Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G1 (8.7%)
41 0 0 96
42 36 31 0 PF05729:NACHT domain (97.0%)
43 27 57 1 PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (54.1%); PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (4.7%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (3.5%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (2.4%); PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (2.4%)
44 5 5 11 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (81.0%); PF07993:Male sterility protein (76.2%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (61.9%); PF10250:GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase (4.8%)
45 15 15 3 PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (93.9%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (90.9%); PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (54.5%); PF14497:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (30.3%); PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (12.1%)
46 2 2 1 PF00141:Peroxidase (100.0%); PF11895:Fungal peroxidase extension region (80.0%)
47 1 1 4 PF12937:F-box-like (83.3%)
48 7 5 0 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (58.3%)
49 5 6 4 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (93.3%)
50 3 3 5 PF03330:Lytic transglycolase (45.5%); PF00967:Barwin family (18.2%)
51 6 9 3 PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (72.2%); PF00075:RNase H (44.4%)
52 2 2 17 PF04140:Isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (ICMT) family (95.2%); PF04191:Phospholipid methyltransferase (95.2%); PF01222:Ergosterol biosynthesis ERG4/ERG24 family (47.6%)
53 6 6 14 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (84.6%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (7.7%)
54 0 0 8 PF00724:NADH:flavin oxidoreductase / NADH oxidase family (100.0%)
56 4 4 3 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05834:Lycopene cyclase protein (36.4%); PF00890:FAD binding domain (18.2%); PF15879:NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase MWFE subunit (9.1%)
57 1 1 6 PF00646:F-box domain (50.0%); PF12937:F-box-like (37.5%)
58 5 5 3 PF10342:Kre9/KNH-like N-terminal Ig-like domain (7.7%)
59 1 1 12 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (50.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (35.7%)
60 6 5 0
61 4 4 11 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (89.5%)
62 28 42 0 PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (72.9%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (71.4%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (64.3%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (55.7%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (50.0%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (47.1%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (45.7%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (44.3%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (27.1%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (5.7%); PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (5.7%)
63 0 0 78
64 2 2 12
65 3 6 1 PF00075:RNase H (80.0%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (70.0%); PF14529:Endonuclease-reverse transcriptase (60.0%)
66 4 5 30 PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (97.4%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (92.3%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (20.5%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (2.6%)
67 0 0 75
68 2 2 12 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (87.5%)
69 6 7 4 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (94.1%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (47.1%)
70 0 0 3 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (66.7%)
72 3 4 6 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (53.8%); PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (7.7%)
74 0 0 2 PF20153:Family of unknown function (DUF6535) (100.0%)
75 6 6 3 PF09994:Uncharacterized alpha/beta hydrolase domain (DUF2235) (100.0%)
76 3 4 1 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (87.5%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (62.5%)
77 2 3 2 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (85.7%)
78 4 4 3 PF13640:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%)
80 1 1 0 PF09362:Domain of unknown function (DUF1996) (100.0%)
81 2 2 3 PF02076:Pheromone A receptor (100.0%)
82 4 4 6 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (64.3%)
83 5 5 4 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%); PF00069:Protein kinase domain (7.1%); PF06090:Inositol-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase (7.1%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (7.1%)
84 5 2 15 PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (18.2%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (18.2%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (13.6%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (13.6%)
85 1 5 2 PF13650:Aspartyl protease (50.0%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (50.0%)
87 7 7 4 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (88.9%)
88 8 6 11 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (80.0%)
89 3 3 3
90 2 3 7 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
91 1 1 0 PF12937:F-box-like (50.0%)
92 2 2 7 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (18.2%)
93 2 2 6 PF01163:RIO1 family (20.0%)
94 0 0 12 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
95 0 0 64
96 5 5 5 PF09729:Gti1/Pac2 family (100.0%)
97 5 5 7
98 4 4 0
99 1 3 1 PF05970:PIF1-like helicase (40.0%); PF13604:AAA domain (40.0%); PF13245:AAA domain (20.0%); PF14214:Helitron helicase-like domain at N-terminus (20.0%); PF20209:Domain of unknown function (DUF6570) (20.0%)
100 0 0 14 PF13424:Tetratricopeptide repeat (64.3%); PF17109:fungal STAND N-terminal Goodbye domain (64.3%); PF00931:NB-ARC domain (50.0%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (50.0%); PF13176:Tetratricopeptide repeat (42.9%); PF17874:MalT-like TPR region (42.9%); PF13374:Tetratricopeptide repeat (35.7%); PF13401:AAA domain (21.4%); PF13432:Tetratricopeptide repeat (21.4%); PF14938:Soluble NSF attachment protein, SNAP (7.1%)
101 40 22 0
104 0 0 5 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (20.0%)
106 5 5 4 PF01764:Lipase (class 3) (100.0%)
107 4 4 5 PF00125:Core histone H2A/H2B/H3/H4 (100.0%)
108 17 14 3 PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (67.6%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (11.8%)
109 2 2 11 PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (53.3%)
111 5 4 14 PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (95.7%); PF01633:Choline/ethanolamine kinase (30.4%)
112 10 5 2
113 5 5 3 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF06441:Epoxide hydrolase N terminus (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (7.7%)
114 1 1 8
115 7 7 4 PF01494:FAD binding domain (94.4%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (5.6%)
116 1 1 10 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF11176:Translation machinery-associated protein 16 (16.7%); PF00890:FAD binding domain (8.3%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (8.3%)
118 0 0 2
119 0 0 15 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (93.3%); PF00069:Protein kinase domain (6.7%)
120 7 11 0 PF02992:Transposase family tnp2 (38.9%)
121 6 5 4 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (86.7%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (26.7%)
122 1 1 5 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%)
123 0 0 3 PF05368:NmrA-like family (100.0%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (100.0%); PF03435:Saccharopine dehydrogenase NADP binding domain (33.3%); PF08659:KR domain (33.3%)
124 0 0 58
125 17 18 0 PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (68.6%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (65.7%); PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (62.9%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (20.0%)
126 3 3 4
127 3 3 9 PF06330:Trichodiene synthase (TRI5) (86.7%)
128 0 1 0
130 0 0 3 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
131 0 0 56 PF16297:Domain of unknown function (DUF4939) (1.8%)
132 0 0 7 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (57.1%)
133 31 25 0 PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (91.1%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (85.7%)
134 2 2 1
135 3 3 1 PF02171:Piwi domain (100.0%); PF08699:Argonaute linker 1 domain (100.0%); PF16486:N-terminal domain of argonaute (100.0%); PF16488:Argonaute linker 2 domain (71.4%); PF02170:PAZ domain (28.6%); PF16487:Mid domain of argonaute (28.6%)
136 1 3 0
137 3 5 0 PF20414:Family of unknown function (DUF6698) (100.0%)
138 0 0 56 PF07723:Leucine Rich Repeat (3.6%); PF12937:F-box-like (1.8%)
139 2 2 5 PF01494:FAD binding domain (66.7%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (66.7%); PF00890:FAD binding domain (55.6%); PF01266:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (22.2%); PF12831:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (22.2%); PF00070:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (11.1%)
140 3 7 1 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (45.5%)
141 3 2 0 PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (80.0%)
145 3 3 0 PF12770:CHAT domain (100.0%)
146 4 2 0 PF18758:Kyakuja-Dileera-Zisupton transposase (83.3%)
147 1 1 0 PF14214:Helitron helicase-like domain at N-terminus (100.0%); PF20209:Domain of unknown function (DUF6570) (100.0%)
148 0 0 54
149 26 27 0 PF05729:NACHT domain (88.7%); PF13191:AAA ATPase domain (3.8%)
150 6 5 0 PF00652:Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain (100.0%); PF14200:Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like (100.0%)
151 10 10 1 PF00171:Aldehyde dehydrogenase family (100.0%); PF05893:Acyl-CoA reductase (LuxC) (9.5%)
152 3 3 7 PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (92.3%); PF05368:NmrA-like family (84.6%); PF01118:Semialdehyde dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (15.4%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (15.4%); PF03435:Saccharopine dehydrogenase NADP binding domain (15.4%); PF01488:Shikimate / quinate 5-dehydrogenase (7.7%); PF07993:Male sterility protein (7.7%)
153 30 22 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (21.2%)
154 0 0 3 PF04479:RTA1 like protein (100.0%)
155 0 0 6
157 2 2 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (80.0%); PF03096:Ndr family (40.0%)
158 4 4 4 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (91.7%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (75.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
159 5 5 6 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (75.0%)
160 2 2 1
161 4 4 2 PF03061:Thioesterase superfamily (70.0%)
162 1 1 5 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
163 5 4 0
164 4 4 3 PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (100.0%); PF13738:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (81.8%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (81.8%); PF01494:FAD binding domain (18.2%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (18.2%)
165 5 5 1
166 1 1 7 PF03169:OPT oligopeptide transporter protein (100.0%)
167 1 0 0
168 8 4 0 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (75.0%)
169 0 0 8 PF18885:Repeat of unknown function (DUF5648) (87.5%)
172 1 1 1 PF01266:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (100.0%)
173 21 22 0 PF01328:Peroxidase, family 2 (97.7%)
174 1 1 2
175 3 3 2 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%)
176 6 7 7
177 3 3 5 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (72.7%)
178 1 1 4
179 1 1 5 PF01073:3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase family (85.7%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (85.7%); PF07993:Male sterility protein (85.7%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (85.7%); PF16363:GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase (57.1%); PF05368:NmrA-like family (42.9%); PF02719:Polysaccharide biosynthesis protein (14.3%)
180 1 2 0 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
181 3 3 8 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (7.1%); PF08659:KR domain (7.1%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (7.1%)
183 3 3 2 PF05970:PIF1-like helicase (75.0%); PF13245:AAA domain (75.0%); PF13604:AAA domain (75.0%); PF01693:Caulimovirus viroplasmin (25.0%); PF13401:AAA domain (25.0%)
184 2 2 5 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%); PF13476:AAA domain (11.1%)
185 10 8 4 PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (95.5%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (95.5%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (90.9%); PF14497:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (72.7%); PF13410:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (68.2%)
186 3 2 10 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (73.3%); PF10340:Steryl acetyl hydrolase (66.7%); PF20434:BD-FAE (13.3%)
187 3 3 2 PF00646:F-box domain (25.0%); PF12937:F-box-like (25.0%)
188 2 2 4 PF13813:Membrane bound O-acyl transferase family (100.0%)
189 3 3 2 PF00250:Forkhead domain (100.0%)
190 1 1 3 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (60.0%); PF13673:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (40.0%)
193 0 0 45 PF13650:Aspartyl protease (4.4%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (2.2%)
194 7 5 3 PF17168:Domain of unknown function (DUF5127) (100.0%); PF08760:Domain of unknown function (DUF1793) (93.3%); PF16335:Domain of unknown function (DUF4965) (93.3%); PF16334:Domain of unknown function (DUF4964) (20.0%)
195 8 7 2 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (82.4%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (76.5%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (5.9%)
196 3 3 4 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (40.0%)
197 1 1 8 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
198 3 3 9 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (93.3%)
199 1 1 0 PF00656:Caspase domain (100.0%)
202 0 0 46
203 4 4 3 PF05183:RNA dependent RNA polymerase (100.0%); PF05347:Complex 1 protein (LYR family) (18.2%)
204 2 2 3 PF00011:Hsp20/alpha crystallin family (100.0%); PF17886:HSP20-like domain found in ArsA (100.0%)
205 2 2 1 PF00891:O-methyltransferase domain (100.0%)
206 13 13 0 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (69.2%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (19.2%)
207 1 1 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF08386:TAP-like protein (100.0%)
208 0 0 2 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (50.0%)
209 0 0 45
210 0 0 45
211 4 5 3 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (50.0%)
212 11 10 3 PF00665:Integrase core domain (62.5%); PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (58.3%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (54.2%); PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (50.0%)
213 0 0 1
214 0 0 44
215 0 0 44 PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (2.3%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (2.3%)
216 3 3 4 PF02969:TATA box binding protein associated factor (TAF) (90.0%); PF15511:Centromere kinetochore component CENP-T histone fold (20.0%)
217 1 42 0
218 21 19 0 PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (82.5%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (35.0%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (15.0%)
219 1 1 3 PF00753:Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily (60.0%)
220 1 1 6 PF07249:Cerato-platanin (100.0%)
222 2 2 6 PF00646:F-box domain (70.0%); PF12937:F-box-like (20.0%); PF06911:Senescence domain (10.0%)
223 6 6 2 PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (92.9%)
224 29 6 0 PF01498:Transposase (100.0%); PF13358:DDE superfamily endonuclease (62.9%)
225 3 3 3 PF01793:Glycolipid 2-alpha-mannosyltransferase (100.0%)
226 8 10 0
227 5 5 8 PF00891:O-methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF16864:Dimerisation domain (5.6%)
228 10 8 1
229 4 4 4
230 1 1 5 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
231 1 1 7 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%); PF14543:Xylanase inhibitor N-terminal (33.3%)
232 2 2 3
233 1 1 6 PF11839:Alanine-zipper, major outer membrane lipoprotein (12.5%)
235 0 0 11 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (81.8%)
236 0 0 3 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (33.3%)
238 0 0 2 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%)
240 4 4 1 PF00188:Cysteine-rich secretory protein family (100.0%)
241 2 2 3 PF03935:Beta-glucan synthesis-associated protein SKN1/KRE6/Sbg1 (100.0%)
242 2 2 2 PF03169:OPT oligopeptide transporter protein (100.0%)
243 10 10 0 PF01734:Patatin-like phospholipase (100.0%); PF13374:Tetratricopeptide repeat (75.0%); PF13424:Tetratricopeptide repeat (70.0%); PF00931:NB-ARC domain (55.0%); PF13176:Tetratricopeptide repeat (30.0%); PF07721:Tetratricopeptide repeat (25.0%)
244 21 20 0 PF12937:F-box-like (90.2%)
245 1 1 0 PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%); PF00840:Glycosyl hydrolase family 7 (100.0%)
246 4 4 6 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
247 4 4 4 PF10250:GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase (8.3%)
248 3 3 3 PF01979:Amidohydrolase family (88.9%); PF07969:Amidohydrolase family (44.4%)
249 7 7 0 PF20236:Family of unknown function (DUF6593) (100.0%)
250 3 3 0 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF13304:AAA domain, putative AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (33.3%)
251 3 3 2 PF13086:AAA domain (100.0%); PF13087:AAA domain (100.0%); PF13245:AAA domain (100.0%); PF13604:AAA domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (62.5%); PF00580:UvrD/REP helicase N-terminal domain (25.0%); PF18044:CCCH-type zinc finger (25.0%)
252 9 9 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (88.9%)
253 2 2 2 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%)
254 6 6 5
255 5 4 0 PF01965:DJ-1/PfpI family (66.7%)
256 3 3 0 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (83.3%)
257 1 4 0 PF02992:Transposase family tnp2 (20.0%)
258 33 7 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (2.5%)
259 7 3 0 PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (40.0%)
260 1 1 7 PF01936:NYN domain (100.0%)
261 6 7 0 PF02992:Transposase family tnp2 (15.4%)
262 2 0 4 PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (66.7%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (66.7%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (50.0%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (50.0%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (50.0%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (33.3%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (33.3%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (16.7%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (16.7%)
263 0 1 0 PF03184:DDE superfamily endonuclease (100.0%)
266 4 4 3 PF00450:Serine carboxypeptidase (100.0%)
267 10 9 5
268 1 1 6
269 4 4 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (90.0%)
270 1 1 2 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (50.0%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (50.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (50.0%); PF13920:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (50.0%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (50.0%); PF15227:zinc finger of C3HC4-type, RING (25.0%)
271 1 1 6 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (62.5%)
272 1 1 1
274 2 2 4 PF08843:Nucleotidyl transferase AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (12.5%)
275 2 2 5 PF11790:Glycosyl hydrolase catalytic core (100.0%)
276 3 3 6 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%); PF13193:AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain (100.0%)
277 3 3 3 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (77.8%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (77.8%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (66.7%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (44.4%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (44.4%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (33.3%); PF00891:O-methyltransferase domain (22.2%)
278 1 1 0 PF14033:Protein of unknown function (DUF4246) (100.0%)
279 35 2 0 PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (94.6%); PF14529:Endonuclease-reverse transcriptase (62.2%); PF13456:Reverse transcriptase-like (2.7%)
280 4 5 0 PF13391:HNH endonuclease (100.0%)
282 0 0 4 PF13361:UvrD-like helicase C-terminal domain (75.0%); PF00580:UvrD/REP helicase N-terminal domain (25.0%)
287 4 4 2 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (100.0%)
288 10 11 1 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (90.9%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (90.9%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (90.9%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (68.2%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (68.2%)
289 3 3 1 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (28.6%)
290 11 10 0 PF12937:F-box-like (85.7%)
291 1 1 4 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (100.0%)
292 2 2 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
293 2 2 4 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
294 2 2 2 PF08719:NADAR domain (100.0%)
295 2 2 6 PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (80.0%); PF01633:Choline/ethanolamine kinase (20.0%)
296 3 3 1 PF00314:Thaumatin family (100.0%)
297 2 3 0
298 0 1 0
301 0 0 1
304 5 5 3 PF00704:Glycosyl hydrolases family 18 (100.0%)
305 2 3 2 PF03235:Protein of unknown function DUF262 (85.7%)
306 3 3 1 PF16862:Glycosyl hydrolase family 79 C-terminal beta domain (100.0%)
307 1 1 2 PF00867:XPG I-region (100.0%); PF18380:Holliday junction resolvase Gen1 C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00752:XPG N-terminal domain (50.0%)
308 2 2 3 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%); PF00441:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02770:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, middle domain (100.0%); PF02771:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08028:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (57.1%)
309 2 2 3 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (28.6%)
312 0 0 5
315 0 0 35
316 0 0 36
317 2 2 3
318 2 2 3
319 3 3 0 PF02128:Fungalysin metallopeptidase (M36) (100.0%); PF00808:Histone-like transcription factor (CBF/NF-Y) and archaeal histone (33.3%); PF07504:Fungalysin/Thermolysin Propeptide Motif (33.3%)
320 3 3 3 PF00171:Aldehyde dehydrogenase family (100.0%); PF05893:Acyl-CoA reductase (LuxC) (22.2%)
321 2 2 0 PF05686:Glycosyl transferase family 90 (100.0%)
322 2 2 3 PF01328:Peroxidase, family 2 (100.0%)
323 4 5 0
324 2 2 3 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (85.7%)
325 3 3 1 PF20236:Family of unknown function (DUF6593) (71.4%)
326 3 3 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
329 0 0 1 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
336 16 18 0 PF12937:F-box-like (32.4%)
337 4 4 0 PF01522:Polysaccharide deacetylase (100.0%)
338 1 1 1 PF09531:Nucleoporin protein Ndc1-Nup (66.7%)
339 2 2 3 PF03935:Beta-glucan synthesis-associated protein SKN1/KRE6/Sbg1 (100.0%)
340 5 5 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (50.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (8.3%)
341 3 3 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (87.5%)
342 3 3 6 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%); PF14543:Xylanase inhibitor N-terminal (66.7%)
343 3 3 1 PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (100.0%); PF10357:Domain of Kin17 curved DNA-binding protein (28.6%)
344 1 1 3 PF00324:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (100.0%)
345 7 7 1
346 2 2 4 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF01061:ABC-2 type transporter (100.0%); PF06422:CDR ABC transporter (100.0%); PF19055:ABC-2 type transporter (100.0%); PF14510:ABC-transporter N-terminal (75.0%)
347 3 3 0 PF05970:PIF1-like helicase (100.0%); PF13604:AAA domain (100.0%); PF14214:Helitron helicase-like domain at N-terminus (100.0%)
348 1 0 0 PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (100.0%)
353 1 1 5 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
354 2 2 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
355 3 3 2 PF00656:Caspase domain (100.0%)
356 1 1 5 PF19086:Terpene synthase family 2, C-terminal metal binding (100.0%); PF03936:Terpene synthase family, metal binding domain (28.6%)
357 3 3 0
358 2 2 0 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%); PF13193:AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain (100.0%)
359 6 6 1 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (46.2%)
360 2 2 3 PF00125:Core histone H2A/H2B/H3/H4 (100.0%); PF00808:Histone-like transcription factor (CBF/NF-Y) and archaeal histone (100.0%)
361 2 2 4 PF01738:Dienelactone hydrolase family (100.0%)
362 1 2 2 PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (20.0%)
363 2 3 10 PF12874:Zinc-finger of C2H2 type (73.3%); PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (40.0%); PF13912:C2H2-type zinc finger (33.3%); PF12171:Zinc-finger double-stranded RNA-binding (26.7%)
364 2 2 0 PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (100.0%); PF16297:Domain of unknown function (DUF4939) (100.0%); PF19259:Ty3 transposon capsid-like protein (100.0%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (25.0%)
365 1 1 6 PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (87.5%); PF13738:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (87.5%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (75.0%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (75.0%)
366 2 2 2
367 1 0 0 PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (100.0%)
368 1 1 2 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
369 1 1 2 PF00190:Cupin (100.0%); PF07883:Cupin domain (75.0%); PF02311:AraC-like ligand binding domain (50.0%)
372 0 0 26 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (3.8%); PF02892:BED zinc finger (3.8%); PF13894:C2H2-type zinc finger (3.8%)
373 0 0 8 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
374 2 2 4 PF00046:Homeodomain (100.0%)
375 2 2 3 PF03330:Lytic transglycolase (42.9%)
376 32 0 0
377 3 3 1 PF03358:NADPH-dependent FMN reductase (100.0%)
378 1 1 2 PF13302:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (100.0%); PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (25.0%)
379 5 4 0
380 5 5 5 PF14027:Questin oxidase-like (100.0%)
381 2 2 2 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%)
382 1 2 2 PF08613:Cyclin (40.0%); PF00134:Cyclin, N-terminal domain (20.0%)
383 3 3 3 PF01764:Lipase (class 3) (100.0%)
384 1 1 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (75.0%); PF01780:Ribosomal L37ae protein family (25.0%)
385 4 4 4 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%)
386 2 2 2 PF00125:Core histone H2A/H2B/H3/H4 (100.0%); PF00808:Histone-like transcription factor (CBF/NF-Y) and archaeal histone (100.0%); PF16211:C-terminus of histone H2A (100.0%)
387 0 29 0 PF01498:Transposase (96.6%); PF13358:DDE superfamily endonuclease (89.7%)
389 0 0 2 PF02320:Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase hinge protein (50.0%)
394 3 3 0
395 3 3 1 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF04820:Tryptophan halogenase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (71.4%); PF01134:Glucose inhibited division protein A (42.9%); PF12831:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (28.6%)
396 9 7 1 PF20231:Family of unknown function (DUF6589) (88.2%)
397 5 5 1 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (72.7%); PF00804:Syntaxin (27.3%); PF05739:SNARE domain (27.3%); PF14523:Syntaxin-like protein (27.3%)
398 2 2 2 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%)
399 2 2 1
400 1 1 5 PF16908:Vacuolar sorting-associated protein 13, N-terminal (57.1%)
401 1 1 3
402 1 1 2
403 2 2 6 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (90.0%); PF05834:Lycopene cyclase protein (20.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (10.0%)
404 2 1 0
405 5 3 0 PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (75.0%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (75.0%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (62.5%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (50.0%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (37.5%)
406 2 2 0 PF10346:Conidiation protein 6 (100.0%)
407 2 2 3 PF00144:Beta-lactamase (100.0%)
408 2 2 2 PF00081:Iron/manganese superoxide dismutases, alpha-hairpin domain (100.0%); PF02777:Iron/manganese superoxide dismutases, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
409 2 6 0
410 4 2 0
411 1 1 3 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF13347:MFS/sugar transport protein (20.0%)
412 1 1 4 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (83.3%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (66.7%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (66.7%); PF06779:Uncharacterised MFS-type transporter YbfB (33.3%)
413 0 0 2
414 0 0 4 PF11807:Mycotoxin biosynthesis protein UstYa (100.0%)
415 0 0 1 PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (100.0%)
416 0 0 4 PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (75.0%); PF01262:Alanine dehydrogenase/PNT, C-terminal domain (75.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (75.0%)
417 0 0 3 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
419 0 0 8
420 0 0 11 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (81.8%); PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (9.1%)
421 0 0 31
427 3 3 2 PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (100.0%); PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (87.5%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (25.0%); PF13454:FAD-NAD(P)-binding (12.5%)
428 3 3 2 PF04145:Ctr copper transporter family (100.0%)
429 3 3 2 PF00704:Glycosyl hydrolases family 18 (100.0%)
430 2 2 2 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (100.0%)
431 1 1 5
432 1 1 1 PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
433 2 2 0 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%); PF13193:AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain (100.0%)
434 2 2 1 PF03659:Glycosyl hydrolase family 71 (100.0%)
435 2 2 1
436 2 2 4 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%)
437 3 3 3 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (88.9%)
438 1 1 1 PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%)
439 2 2 3 PF10282:Lactonase, 7-bladed beta-propeller (100.0%)
440 2 2 1 PF13813:Membrane bound O-acyl transferase family (100.0%)
441 2 5 0 PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (85.7%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (57.1%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (57.1%); PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (28.6%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (28.6%); PF16297:Domain of unknown function (DUF4939) (28.6%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (28.6%); PF19259:Ty3 transposon capsid-like protein (28.6%)
442 2 2 3 PF01546:Peptidase family M20/M25/M40 (100.0%); PF07687:Peptidase dimerisation domain (71.4%); PF04389:Peptidase family M28 (57.1%)
443 1 1 1 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (66.7%)
444 2 2 4 PF00724:NADH:flavin oxidoreductase / NADH oxidase family (100.0%)
445 2 2 2 PF05532:CsbD-like (16.7%)
446 12 10 0 PF01612:3'-5' exonuclease (54.5%); PF20499:Domain of unknown function (DUF6729) (45.5%)
447 1 1 5 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (42.9%)
449 0 0 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
450 0 0 1
453 0 0 1
456 0 0 2 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (50.0%)
458 0 0 30 PF13391:HNH endonuclease (63.3%)
460 2 2 2 PF00145:C-5 cytosine-specific DNA methylase (100.0%); PF12047:Cytosine specific DNA methyltransferase replication foci domain (66.7%); PF01426:BAH domain (50.0%)
461 2 2 3 PF06738:Putative threonine/serine exporter (100.0%); PF12821:Threonine/Serine exporter, ThrE (57.1%)
462 2 2 1 PF20236:Family of unknown function (DUF6593) (100.0%)
463 2 2 2 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%); PF00487:Fatty acid desaturase (100.0%)
464 2 2 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%)
465 15 14 0 PF12937:F-box-like (89.7%)
466 1 1 1 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (33.3%)
467 2 2 2 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (83.3%)
468 1 1 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
469 1 1 0 PF05368:NmrA-like family (100.0%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (100.0%)
470 2 2 0 PF03188:Eukaryotic cytochrome b561 (100.0%); PF16010:Cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase (50.0%)
471 2 2 2 PF02182:SAD/SRA domain (16.7%)
472 2 2 4 PF01532:Glycosyl hydrolase family 47 (75.0%)
473 1 1 1
474 1 1 2
475 2 2 1 PF19271:Nis1 family (100.0%)
476 1 1 10 PF01565:FAD binding domain (75.0%); PF08031:Berberine and berberine like (41.7%)
477 1 1 1 PF01713:Smr domain (100.0%); PF08590:Domain of unknown function (DUF1771) (100.0%)
478 1 1 0 PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (50.0%)
486 1 1 2 PF09768:Peptidase M76 family (75.0%); PF10342:Kre9/KNH-like N-terminal Ig-like domain (50.0%)
487 3 3 2
488 2 2 4 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (62.5%)
489 1 1 2 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (50.0%)
490 1 1 0
491 2 2 4 PF13632:Glycosyl transferase family group 2 (100.0%)
492 6 7 0 PF05729:NACHT domain (100.0%)
493 2 2 0 PF00775:Dioxygenase (100.0%)
494 1 1 2 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
495 1 1 2 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00503:G-protein alpha subunit (100.0%)
496 4 4 2 PF00728:Glycosyl hydrolase family 20, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF14845:beta-acetyl hexosaminidase like (100.0%); PF02838:Glycosyl hydrolase family 20, domain 2 (70.0%)
497 1 1 1
498 9 10 0 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (89.5%)
499 2 2 1 PF00141:Peroxidase (80.0%); PF16686:ssDNA-binding domain of telomere protection protein (60.0%); PF02765:Telomeric single stranded DNA binding POT1/CDC13 (40.0%)
500 2 2 2 PF01565:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02913:FAD linked oxidases, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
501 2 2 0 PF08031:Berberine and berberine like (100.0%); PF01565:FAD binding domain (50.0%)
502 1 1 4 PF14737:Domain of unknown function (DUF4470) (83.3%); PF01753:MYND finger (50.0%)
503 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (20.0%)
504 2 2 1 PF04828:Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde-activating enzyme (100.0%)
505 2 2 1 PF00652:Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain (40.0%); PF14200:Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like (40.0%)
506 1 1 6 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF16884:N-terminal domain of oxidoreductase (75.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (62.5%)
507 3 2 2 PF11951:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (71.4%)
508 1 1 2 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF07976:Phenol hydroxylase, C-terminal dimerisation domain (100.0%); PF00890:FAD binding domain (50.0%); PF03486:HI0933-like protein (50.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (50.0%)
509 3 3 1 PF12051:Protein of unknown function (DUF3533) (100.0%)
510 1 1 0 PF01565:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF08031:Berberine and berberine like (100.0%)
511 1 1 2 PF01794:Ferric reductase like transmembrane component (100.0%); PF08022:FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (100.0%)
512 8 17 1 PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (73.1%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (69.2%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (61.5%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (53.8%); PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (42.3%); PF00692:dUTPase (3.8%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (3.8%)
513 0 28 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (3.6%)
517 0 0 2
518 0 0 3 PF09286:Pro-kumamolisin, activation domain (100.0%); PF00082:Subtilase family (33.3%)
523 2 1 1 PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (75.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (75.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (75.0%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (25.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (25.0%)
524 2 2 2 PF02182:SAD/SRA domain (100.0%)
525 2 2 2 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (83.3%)
526 2 2 2 PF01794:Ferric reductase like transmembrane component (100.0%); PF08022:FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (100.0%)
527 3 3 1 PF05978:Ion channel regulatory protein UNC-93 (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (71.4%)
528 5 3 3 PF00646:F-box domain (18.2%)
529 13 11 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (95.8%)
530 3 3 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
531 3 3 0 PF00082:Subtilase family (100.0%); PF05922:Peptidase inhibitor I9 (100.0%)
532 3 3 2 PF00091:Tubulin/FtsZ family, GTPase domain (100.0%); PF03953:Tubulin C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF10644:Misato Segment II tubulin-like domain (25.0%)
533 2 2 3 PF14200:Ricin-type beta-trefoil lectin domain-like (100.0%)
534 1 1 1 PF00646:F-box domain (33.3%)
535 2 2 3 PF02170:PAZ domain (100.0%); PF02171:Piwi domain (100.0%); PF08699:Argonaute linker 1 domain (85.7%); PF16486:N-terminal domain of argonaute (85.7%); PF16488:Argonaute linker 2 domain (85.7%)
536 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
537 1 1 3
538 1 1 1 PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (66.7%); PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (66.7%); PF13606:Ankyrin repeat (66.7%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (66.7%)
539 1 1 5
540 3 3 3 PF13086:AAA domain (88.9%); PF13087:AAA domain (88.9%); PF13245:AAA domain (88.9%); PF13604:AAA domain (88.9%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (44.4%); PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (11.1%); PF01443:Viral (Superfamily 1) RNA helicase (11.1%)
541 3 3 1 PF01546:Peptidase family M20/M25/M40 (100.0%); PF07687:Peptidase dimerisation domain (71.4%)
542 4 3 0 PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (85.7%)
543 1 1 3
544 2 2 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (33.3%)
545 1 1 3 PF01425:Amidase (100.0%)
546 2 2 0 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%); PF13472:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family (100.0%)
547 24 3 0
548 2 2 1 PF00704:Glycosyl hydrolases family 18 (100.0%)
549 0 1 3 PF20149:Domain of unknown function (DUF6532) (75.0%)
551 0 0 2 PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (50.0%)
556 0 0 2 PF20411:Domain of unknown function (DUF6697) (100.0%)
557 0 0 2 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (50.0%)
558 0 0 3 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (66.7%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (33.3%)
559 0 0 3
560 0 0 27 PF00692:dUTPase (74.1%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (7.4%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (3.7%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (3.7%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (3.7%)
564 13 13 0 PF12937:F-box-like (26.9%); PF00646:F-box domain (15.4%)
565 2 2 2 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%)
566 1 1 2 PF00909:Ammonium Transporter Family (100.0%)
567 2 2 2 PF01522:Polysaccharide deacetylase (100.0%)
568 14 11 0
569 2 2 3 PF02133:Permease for cytosine/purines, uracil, thiamine, allantoin (100.0%)
570 3 3 1 PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (85.7%)
571 2 2 2 PF09729:Gti1/Pac2 family (100.0%)
572 1 1 2 PF08101:Meiotically up-regulated protein Msb1/Mug8 domain (75.0%); PF11700:Vacuole effluxer Atg22 like (75.0%)
573 1 1 7
574 1 1 6 PF01485:IBR domain, a half RING-finger domain (62.5%)
575 1 1 3 PF02854:MIF4G domain (100.0%); PF12152:Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G1 (60.0%); PF02847:MA3 domain (40.0%)
576 4 4 1 PF00463:Isocitrate lyase family (100.0%); PF13714:Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase (100.0%)
577 3 4 2 PF00350:Dynamin family (88.9%); PF01031:Dynamin central region (88.9%); PF02212:Dynamin GTPase effector domain (77.8%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (44.4%); PF00348:Polyprenyl synthetase (11.1%)
578 2 2 2 PF00753:Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily (83.3%); PF13691:tRNase Z endonuclease (16.7%)
579 2 2 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF09809:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 (16.7%)
580 3 3 3 PF03330:Lytic transglycolase (11.1%)
581 3 3 1 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (71.4%); PF01135:Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PCMT) (28.6%); PF05175:Methyltransferase small domain (14.3%); PF06325:Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase (PrmA) (14.3%)
582 2 2 2 PF00268:Ribonucleotide reductase, small chain (100.0%)
583 2 2 0 PF01565:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF08031:Berberine and berberine like (100.0%)
584 26 0 0 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (96.2%)
585 2 2 1 PF00230:Major intrinsic protein (100.0%)
586 1 1 3
587 1 1 0 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%)
588 13 8 0 PF13358:DDE superfamily endonuclease (85.7%); PF01498:Transposase (42.9%)
589 1 1 1 PF01285:TEA/ATTS domain (100.0%)
590 7 4 0
591 0 3 1
592 0 2 0
601 0 0 3 PF01822:WSC domain (100.0%)
602 0 0 1 PF05368:NmrA-like family (100.0%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (100.0%)
603 0 0 26
604 0 0 26
605 3 3 2 PF10294:Lysine methyltransferase (87.5%)
606 3 3 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF03137:Organic Anion Transporter Polypeptide (OATP) family (28.6%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (14.3%)
607 1 1 2 PF00324:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (75.0%)
608 2 2 2 PF03815:LCCL domain (50.0%)
609 3 4 0
610 2 2 5 PF00171:Aldehyde dehydrogenase family (100.0%); PF05893:Acyl-CoA reductase (LuxC) (11.1%); PF07368:Protein of unknown function (DUF1487) (11.1%)
611 1 1 0
612 2 2 2 PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (100.0%)
613 11 9 0 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (65.0%)
614 2 2 2 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%); PF13912:C2H2-type zinc finger (33.3%)
615 2 2 2 PF07969:Amidohydrolase family (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (33.3%); PF01979:Amidohydrolase family (33.3%)
616 1 1 4 PF01735:Lysophospholipase catalytic domain (100.0%)
617 1 1 7 PF11754:Velvet factor (100.0%)
618 2 2 3 PF00389:D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, catalytic domain (57.1%); PF02826:D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (57.1%); PF13896:Glycosyl-transferase for dystroglycan (42.9%)
619 2 2 2 PF13405:EF-hand domain (100.0%); PF13499:EF-hand domain pair (100.0%); PF13833:EF-hand domain pair (100.0%); PF13202:EF hand (83.3%); PF00036:EF hand (33.3%)
620 1 1 1
621 2 2 2 PF02364:1,3-beta-glucan synthase component (100.0%); PF14288:1,3-beta-glucan synthase subunit FKS1, domain-1 (100.0%)
622 4 4 1
623 2 2 0
624 1 1 1 PF16862:Glycosyl hydrolase family 79 C-terminal beta domain (100.0%)
625 1 1 1 PF00450:Serine carboxypeptidase (100.0%)
626 14 11 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (4.0%)
627 6 8 0
628 2 2 2 PF00149:Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase (100.0%); PF16891:Serine-threonine protein phosphatase N-terminal domain (100.0%)
629 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF00498:FHA domain (100.0%); PF06293:Lipopolysaccharide kinase (Kdo/WaaP) family (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF02574:Homocysteine S-methyltransferase (66.7%); PF14531:Kinase-like (66.7%)
630 2 6 0 PF10551:MULE transposase domain (87.5%)
631 1 1 2 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
632 1 0 0 PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (100.0%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (100.0%)
633 1 5 4
634 1 1 1 PF01476:LysM domain (100.0%)
635 1 1 1 PF00933:Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 N terminal domain (100.0%); PF01915:Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF14310:Fibronectin type III-like domain (100.0%)
638 0 0 3 PF01753:MYND finger (66.7%); PF13606:Ankyrin repeat (66.7%)
642 0 0 6 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
644 0 0 11 PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (63.6%); PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (27.3%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (9.1%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (9.1%)
646 0 0 1
647 0 0 1
653 2 2 2
654 1 1 1 PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
655 2 2 2 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%)
656 1 1 0 PF00545:ribonuclease (100.0%)
657 1 1 2
658 2 2 3 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF06813:Nodulin-like (28.6%)
659 1 1 1 PF02668:Taurine catabolism dioxygenase TauD, TfdA family (100.0%)
660 1 1 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (50.0%)
661 3 3 2 PF01266:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (87.5%)
662 2 2 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
663 1 1 2 PF03595:Voltage-dependent anion channel (100.0%)
664 2 2 2 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
665 1 1 2 PF14613:Protein of unknown function (DUF4449) (100.0%); PF19343:Family of unknown function (DUF5923) (100.0%)
666 1 1 3 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
667 2 2 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%)
668 3 3 1 PF00854:POT family (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (42.9%)
669 2 2 2 PF03098:Animal haem peroxidase (100.0%); PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (50.0%)
670 2 2 2 PF00793:DAHP synthetase I family (100.0%)
671 1 3 2 PF00498:FHA domain (33.3%); PF00628:PHD-finger (33.3%)
672 4 5 0 PF00656:Caspase domain (88.9%)
673 1 1 1 PF00295:Glycosyl hydrolases family 28 (100.0%); PF07602:Protein of unknown function (DUF1565) (66.7%)
674 2 2 1 PF03795:YCII-related domain (100.0%)
675 2 2 0 PF00481:Protein phosphatase 2C (100.0%); PF13672:Protein phosphatase 2C (25.0%)
676 2 2 1 PF00221:Aromatic amino acid lyase (100.0%)
677 2 2 2 PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (83.3%); PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (66.7%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (66.7%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (66.7%); PF00069:Protein kinase domain (33.3%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (33.3%); PF13738:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (33.3%); PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (33.3%)
678 1 1 2 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (75.0%); PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (75.0%); PF01426:BAH domain (75.0%); PF17872:AAA lid domain (75.0%); PF13191:AAA ATPase domain (25.0%); PF13401:AAA domain (25.0%)
679 1 1 0 PF01753:MYND finger (100.0%); PF20179:MSS51 C-terminal domain (100.0%)
680 2 2 1 PF07470:Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 88 (100.0%)
681 2 2 0 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
682 2 2 2 PF00320:GATA zinc finger (100.0%)
683 2 2 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (100.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%)
684 2 2 0 PF12937:F-box-like (100.0%)
685 2 2 1 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (40.0%)
686 2 2 3 PF01070:FMN-dependent dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF01645:Conserved region in glutamate synthase (14.3%)
687 2 2 1 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
688 3 4 0 PF00646:F-box domain (14.3%)
689 2 2 6 PF01040:UbiA prenyltransferase family (100.0%)
690 1 1 3 PF00649:Copper fist DNA binding domain (80.0%)
691 1 0 0
692 2 1 3 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%)
693 3 21 0 PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (83.3%); PF14529:Endonuclease-reverse transcriptase (50.0%); PF13456:Reverse transcriptase-like (4.2%)
694 3 4 2
695 0 24 0 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (100.0%)
700 0 0 1 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
701 0 0 3
705 2 2 1 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
706 2 2 1 PF01073:3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase family (60.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (60.0%); PF02719:Polysaccharide biosynthesis protein (60.0%); PF04321:RmlD substrate binding domain (60.0%); PF07993:Male sterility protein (60.0%); PF08659:KR domain (60.0%); PF11957:THO complex subunit 1 transcription elongation factor (60.0%); PF16363:GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase (60.0%)
707 2 2 1 PF04488:Glycosyltransferase sugar-binding region containing DXD motif (80.0%)
708 2 2 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (60.0%); PF00439:Bromodomain (60.0%); PF17035:Bromodomain extra-terminal - transcription regulation (60.0%)
709 4 3 2 PF08450:SMP-30/Gluconolactonase/LRE-like region (77.8%); PF00177:Ribosomal protein S7p/S5e (22.2%)
710 1 1 1 PF09335:SNARE associated Golgi protein (100.0%)
711 2 2 1
712 3 5 0 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (25.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (25.0%); PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (25.0%)
713 1 1 2 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (50.0%)
714 2 2 3 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (14.3%)
715 2 3 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (33.3%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (33.3%); PF14634:zinc-RING finger domain (33.3%)
716 2 3 0 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF18044:CCCH-type zinc finger (100.0%); PF01485:IBR domain, a half RING-finger domain (60.0%); PF00642:Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type (and similar) (40.0%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (40.0%); PF14608:RNA-binding, Nab2-type zinc finger (40.0%)
717 1 1 2 PF00566:Rab-GTPase-TBC domain (75.0%)
718 10 11 0 PF14441:OTT_1508-like deaminase (76.2%)
719 2 2 2 PF08718:Glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP) (100.0%)
720 1 1 2 PF07716:Basic region leucine zipper (100.0%)
721 2 2 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (40.0%)
722 1 1 1 PF00134:Cyclin, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08613:Cyclin (100.0%)
723 1 1 2 PF12708:Pectate lyase superfamily protein (100.0%)
724 2 2 2 PF00156:Phosphoribosyl transferase domain (50.0%); PF00696:Amino acid kinase family (50.0%); PF13793:N-terminal domain of ribose phosphate pyrophosphokinase (50.0%); PF14572:Phosphoribosyl synthetase-associated domain (50.0%)
725 2 2 2 PF10176:Protein of unknown function (DUF2370) (100.0%)
726 1 1 2 PF01753:MYND finger (75.0%)
727 12 11 0
728 3 3 1 PF01231:Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (100.0%)
729 12 10 0 PF00098:Zinc knuckle (86.4%); PF03732:Retrotransposon gag protein (81.8%)
730 1 1 2 PF03060:Nitronate monooxygenase (100.0%); PF00478:IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain (50.0%); PF01070:FMN-dependent dehydrogenase (25.0%)
731 1 2 3 PF13302:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (100.0%); PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (33.3%)
732 1 1 5 PF09286:Pro-kumamolisin, activation domain (57.1%); PF00082:Subtilase family (42.9%); PF00441:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (42.9%); PF08028:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (42.9%); PF18158:Adaptive response protein AidB N-terminal domain (42.9%); PF02770:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, middle domain (28.6%)
733 2 1 0
734 2 3 1 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (83.3%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%)
735 1 1 1
736 1 1 2 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%); PF09818:ATPase of the ABC class (25.0%)
737 20 2 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (100.0%)
738 13 7 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (35.0%)
739 2 2 5 PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (33.3%)
740 1 1 2 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF04101:Glycosyltransferase family 28 C-terminal domain (25.0%)
741 2 1 2 PF00642:Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type (and similar) (40.0%); PF18044:CCCH-type zinc finger (20.0%)
742 2 9 0
743 2 4 0 PF18717:CxC4 like cysteine cluster associated with KDZ transposases (100.0%)
744 1 1 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (75.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (25.0%)
745 1 1 0
746 1 1 4 PF01794:Ferric reductase like transmembrane component (100.0%); PF08022:FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (83.3%)
748 0 0 2 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%); PF00175:Oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF00258:Flavodoxin (100.0%); PF00667:FAD binding domain (100.0%)
749 0 0 1 PF14494:Domain of unknown function (DUF4436) (100.0%)
757 0 0 2
759 0 0 13
761 2 2 2 PF01544:CorA-like Mg2+ transporter protein (100.0%)
762 2 2 1 PF00010:Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain (100.0%)
763 2 2 2 PF01465:GRIP domain (50.0%); PF04695:Pex14 N-terminal domain (50.0%)
764 2 2 2 PF01145:SPFH domain / Band 7 family (100.0%)
765 1 1 3 PF04051:Transport protein particle (TRAPP) component (80.0%); PF01180:Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (60.0%)
766 2 2 2
767 2 3 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (83.3%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (83.3%); PF08513:LisH (33.3%); PF10607:CTLH/CRA C-terminal to LisH motif domain (33.3%); PF14531:Kinase-like (16.7%)
768 2 2 2 PF01612:3'-5' exonuclease (100.0%)
769 1 1 2 PF05700:Breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 (BCAS2) (75.0%)
770 1 1 1 PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
771 2 2 1 PF00160:Cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase/CLD (100.0%)
772 1 1 1 PF02146:Sir2 family (100.0%)
773 2 2 2 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF16912:Glucose dehydrogenase C-terminus (100.0%); PF01494:FAD binding domain (50.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (50.0%)
774 2 2 0 PF02992:Transposase family tnp2 (100.0%)
775 1 1 2 PF13668:Ferritin-like domain (100.0%)
776 1 2 1
777 1 1 0 PF03211:Pectate lyase (100.0%)
778 2 2 2 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04408:Helicase associated domain (HA2) (50.0%); PF07717:Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB)-fold (50.0%); PF13401:AAA domain (16.7%)
779 2 2 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
780 2 2 0
781 1 1 2 PF01184:GPR1/FUN34/yaaH family (100.0%)
782 3 3 1 PF01814:Hemerythrin HHE cation binding domain (71.4%)
783 2 2 2
784 2 2 2 PF02076:Pheromone A receptor (100.0%)
785 2 2 4 PF01975:Survival protein SurE (100.0%)
786 2 2 2 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
787 2 2 1 PF00450:Serine carboxypeptidase (100.0%)
788 1 1 2 PF11571:Mediator complex subunit 27 (75.0%)
789 2 2 2 PF03031:NLI interacting factor-like phosphatase (100.0%)
790 2 2 1
791 3 3 1 PF03372:Endonuclease/Exonuclease/phosphatase family (100.0%)
792 1 1 2 PF00295:Glycosyl hydrolases family 28 (100.0%)
793 1 1 3 PF14114:Domain of unknown function (DUF4286) (100.0%)
794 2 2 2 PF08457:Sfi1 spindle body protein (50.0%); PF10607:CTLH/CRA C-terminal to LisH motif domain (50.0%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (50.0%)
795 2 2 2 PF00804:Syntaxin (100.0%); PF05739:SNARE domain (100.0%); PF14523:Syntaxin-like protein (16.7%)
796 1 1 4 PF01433:Peptidase family M1 domain (100.0%); PF11838:ERAP1-like C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF17900:Peptidase M1 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
797 1 1 0
798 1 1 1 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (33.3%)
799 1 1 2 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
800 1 1 0 PF05572:Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (100.0%)
801 2 2 2 PF00226:DnaJ domain (50.0%)
802 1 1 1 PF00072:Response regulator receiver domain (100.0%); PF02518:Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase (100.0%)
803 1 1 0 PF00646:F-box domain (100.0%)
804 2 3 1 PF00454:Phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinase (83.3%); PF02259:FAT domain (83.3%); PF02260:FATC domain (83.3%); PF08771:FKBP12-rapamycin binding domain (83.3%); PF11865:Domain of unknown function (DUF3385) (83.3%); PF02985:HEAT repeat (33.3%); PF13513:HEAT-like repeat (33.3%); PF00022:Actin (16.7%)
805 2 20 0
806 2 2 0 PF01753:MYND finger (100.0%); PF14737:Domain of unknown function (DUF4470) (100.0%)
807 2 2 2 PF01161:Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (83.3%)
808 2 2 2 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
809 2 3 1 PF00300:Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 1) (100.0%)
810 20 2 0 PF05729:NACHT domain (100.0%); PF01391:Collagen triple helix repeat (20 copies) (4.5%)
811 1 1 1
812 1 1 4
813 2 2 1 PF00459:Inositol monophosphatase family (100.0%)
814 2 1 3 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (50.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (50.0%); PF08640:U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 6 (50.0%)
815 4 11 1
816 2 2 2 PF00538:linker histone H1 and H5 family (100.0%)
817 1 1 3 PF05730:CFEM domain (80.0%)
818 0 2 0 PF07738:Sad1 / UNC-like C-terminal (50.0%)
819 0 1 0
820 0 1 1 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (50.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%)
821 0 0 1
826 0 0 2 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%)
829 0 0 20 PF01565:FAD binding domain (5.0%)
831 0 0 22
834 1 1 1 PF13911:AhpC/TSA antioxidant enzyme (100.0%); PF00578:AhpC/TSA family (66.7%); PF08534:Redoxin (66.7%)
835 2 2 2 PF00883:Cytosol aminopeptidase family, catalytic domain (100.0%)
836 2 2 1 PF01124:MAPEG family (100.0%)
837 1 1 2 PF02104:SURF1 family (75.0%)
838 1 1 2 PF10250:GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase (100.0%)
839 1 1 2 PF05769:SIKE family (75.0%)
840 1 1 3 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF08982:Acetylaranotin biosynthesis cluster protein L (20.0%); PF12832:MFS_1 like family (20.0%)
841 2 2 1 PF02551:Acyl-CoA thioesterase (60.0%); PF05181:XPA protein C-terminus (60.0%); PF13622:Thioesterase-like superfamily (60.0%)
842 2 2 1 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%); PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (40.0%)
843 2 2 5 PF01425:Amidase (100.0%)
844 3 3 1 PF00487:Fatty acid desaturase (100.0%)
845 1 1 1 PF06964:Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase C-terminal domain (100.0%)
846 2 2 1 PF18142:SMODS and SLOG-associating 2TM effector domain (100.0%)
847 1 1 1 PF00350:Dynamin family (100.0%); PF01031:Dynamin central region (100.0%); PF02212:Dynamin GTPase effector domain (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (33.3%)
848 2 2 2
849 1 1 0 PF01565:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF08031:Berberine and berberine like (100.0%)
850 2 2 1 PF00149:Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase (100.0%); PF05011:Lariat debranching enzyme, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
851 1 1 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%)
852 2 2 1
853 2 2 2 PF00933:Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 N terminal domain (50.0%); PF00790:VHS domain (33.3%)
854 2 2 3 PF02055:Glycosyl hydrolase family 30 TIM-barrel domain (100.0%); PF02057:Glycosyl hydrolase family 59 (100.0%)
855 3 3 0 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF10340:Steryl acetyl hydrolase (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
856 2 2 1 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%); PF08740:BCS1 N terminal (100.0%)
857 1 1 1 PF00686:Starch binding domain (100.0%); PF00723:Glycosyl hydrolases family 15 (100.0%)
858 1 1 2
859 2 2 1
860 1 1 2 PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (50.0%)
861 2 2 1
862 1 1 3 PF10021:Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria (DUF2263) (80.0%)
863 1 1 0 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF09783:Vacuolar import and degradation protein (100.0%)
864 2 2 2 PF04142:Nucleotide-sugar transporter (100.0%)
865 2 2 1
866 2 2 2
867 2 2 1 PF00168:C2 domain (100.0%); PF00397:WW domain (100.0%); PF00632:HECT-domain (ubiquitin-transferase) (100.0%)
868 3 1 0 PF06911:Senescence domain (75.0%)
869 1 1 2 PF05577:Serine carboxypeptidase S28 (100.0%)
870 2 2 1 PF00022:Actin (100.0%)
871 2 2 2 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (50.0%)
872 1 1 2
873 2 2 2 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (50.0%); PF01245:Ribosomal protein L19 (50.0%)
874 4 5 0 PF13598:Domain of unknown function (DUF4139) (88.9%); PF13600:N-terminal domain of unknown function (DUF4140) (77.8%)
875 1 1 1 PF00109:Beta-ketoacyl synthase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00698:Acyl transferase domain (100.0%); PF01575:MaoC like domain (100.0%); PF01648:4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase superfamily (100.0%); PF02801:Beta-ketoacyl synthase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08354:Domain of unknown function (DUF1729) (100.0%); PF13452:N-terminal half of MaoC dehydratase (100.0%); PF16073:Starter unit:ACP transacylase in aflatoxin biosynthesis (100.0%); PF17828:N-terminal domain in fatty acid synthase subunit beta (100.0%); PF17951:Fatty acid synthase meander beta sheet domain (100.0%); PF18314:Fatty acid synthase type I helical domain (100.0%); PF18325:Fatty acid synthase subunit alpha Acyl carrier domain (100.0%); PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (66.7%)
876 2 2 2 PF00226:DnaJ domain (50.0%); PF10358:N-terminal C2 in EEIG1 and EHBP1 proteins (16.7%)
877 1 1 0
878 1 1 2 PF00331:Glycosyl hydrolase family 10 (100.0%)
879 1 1 2 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
880 1 1 1 PF00266:Aminotransferase class-V (100.0%); PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (66.7%)
881 2 2 2 PF00415:Regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) repeat (100.0%); PF13540:Regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) repeat (100.0%)
882 14 7 0
883 1 2 1 PF02656:Domain of unknown function (DUF202) (100.0%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (50.0%); PF14559:Tetratricopeptide repeat (50.0%)
884 2 2 1 PF01230:HIT domain (100.0%); PF11969:Scavenger mRNA decapping enzyme C-term binding (60.0%); PF04677:Protein similar to CwfJ C-terminus 1 (20.0%)
885 2 2 4
886 1 1 2 PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (100.0%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (75.0%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (50.0%); PF13738:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (50.0%)
887 1 1 1 PF05426:Alginate lyase (100.0%)
888 1 1 2 PF01704:UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (100.0%)
890 0 0 3 PF09792:Ubiquitin 3 binding protein But2 C-terminal domain (100.0%)
893 0 0 7 PF02902:Ulp1 protease family, C-terminal catalytic domain (42.9%); PF18758:Kyakuja-Dileera-Zisupton transposase (28.6%); PF18802:CxC1 like cysteine cluster associated with KDZ transposases (14.3%)
896 0 0 4 PF07173:Glycine-rich domain-containing protein-like (50.0%)
899 0 0 3
900 0 0 3 PF05729:NACHT domain (100.0%); PF13191:AAA ATPase domain (100.0%); PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (33.3%)
901 0 0 9 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (88.9%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (88.9%); PF08659:KR domain (33.3%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (11.1%)
903 0 0 5
904 0 0 18 PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
908 2 2 1 PF00335:Tetraspanin family (20.0%)
909 1 1 1 PF01566:Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (100.0%)
910 2 1 1 PF00085:Thioredoxin (100.0%); PF14595:Thioredoxin (100.0%); PF13098:Thioredoxin-like domain (75.0%); PF13905:Thioredoxin-like (25.0%)
911 1 1 1 PF00092:von Willebrand factor type A domain (66.7%)
912 2 2 1 PF00035:Double-stranded RNA binding motif (100.0%); PF14622:Ribonuclease-III-like (20.0%)
913 2 2 1 PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (100.0%)
914 1 1 2 PF06102:rRNA biogenesis protein RRP36 (75.0%)
915 1 1 2 PF00240:Ubiquitin family (100.0%); PF11976:Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like (100.0%); PF13881:Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like (100.0%); PF14560:Ubiquitin-like domain (100.0%)
916 2 2 1
917 2 2 1 PF06991:Microfibril-associated/Pre-mRNA processing (60.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (40.0%)
918 2 2 2 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (66.7%)
919 1 1 2 PF00646:F-box domain (25.0%)
920 3 3 1
921 1 1 13 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
922 3 4 2 PF04828:Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde-activating enzyme (77.8%)
923 1 1 3 PF01613:Flavin reductase like domain (100.0%)
924 2 2 1 PF00282:Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase conserved domain (100.0%); PF00266:Aminotransferase class-V (20.0%)
925 1 1 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
926 2 2 1 PF12937:F-box-like (100.0%)
927 1 1 0 PF00892:EamA-like transporter family (100.0%)
928 2 2 2 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%)
929 3 3 2 PF00328:Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 2) (100.0%)
930 3 3 0 PF01544:CorA-like Mg2+ transporter protein (100.0%)
931 1 1 2 PF00199:Catalase (100.0%); PF06628:Catalase-related immune-responsive (100.0%)
932 2 2 1 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (100.0%)
933 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%)
934 1 1 2 PF05050:Methyltransferase FkbM domain (100.0%); PF13383:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%)
935 1 1 2 PF00149:Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase (75.0%); PF04818:CID domain (75.0%); PF08321:PPP5 TPR repeat region (75.0%); PF01805:Surp module (50.0%); PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (25.0%)
936 2 2 1
937 1 1 2 PF01058:NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase, 20 Kd subunit (75.0%)
938 1 1 2 PF01979:Amidohydrolase family (75.0%); PF10261:Inositol phospholipid synthesis and fat-storage-inducing TM (75.0%)
939 2 2 1
940 2 2 1 PF02386:Cation transport protein (100.0%)
941 1 1 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (75.0%); PF00320:GATA zinc finger (75.0%); PF08659:KR domain (75.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (75.0%); PF00989:PAS fold (25.0%); PF02719:Polysaccharide biosynthesis protein (25.0%)
942 2 2 1 PF10214:RNA polymerase I-specific transcription-initiation factor (60.0%); PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (40.0%)
943 2 2 1 PF00120:Glutamine synthetase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
944 1 1 2 PF09764:N-terminal glutamine amidase (75.0%); PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (50.0%)
945 2 2 1 PF00481:Protein phosphatase 2C (100.0%)
946 2 2 3 PF03009:Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase family (100.0%)
947 2 2 1 PF02225:PA domain (100.0%); PF04253:Transferrin receptor-like dimerisation domain (100.0%); PF04389:Peptidase family M28 (100.0%)
948 1 1 2 PF00091:Tubulin/FtsZ family, GTPase domain (100.0%); PF03953:Tubulin C-terminal domain (100.0%)
949 2 2 1 PF10454:Protein of unknown function (DUF2458) (20.0%)
950 1 1 2 PF00957:Synaptobrevin (75.0%); PF13774:Regulated-SNARE-like domain (75.0%); PF15496:Domain of unknown function (DUF4646) (25.0%)
951 1 1 2 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (75.0%); PF05365:Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase, UQCRX/QCR9 like (75.0%); PF13893:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (25.0%)
952 1 1 2 PF04628:Sedlin, N-terminal conserved region (75.0%); PF04099:Sybindin-like family (25.0%)
953 1 1 1 PF01564:Spermine/spermidine synthase domain (100.0%); PF03435:Saccharopine dehydrogenase NADP binding domain (100.0%); PF16653:Saccharopine dehydrogenase C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF17284:Spermidine synthase tetramerisation domain (100.0%); PF01488:Shikimate / quinate 5-dehydrogenase (66.7%)
954 1 1 2 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
955 4 4 0 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (75.0%)
956 4 4 0
957 1 1 1 PF00644:Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase catalytic domain (100.0%)
958 2 3 1 PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (83.3%); PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (50.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (33.3%)
959 1 2 2 PF02535:ZIP Zinc transporter (100.0%)
960 1 1 2 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (75.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (75.0%); PF00130:Phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain (C1 domain) (50.0%); PF00307:Calponin homology (CH) domain (50.0%)
961 1 1 1 PF01154:Hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase N terminal (100.0%); PF08540:Hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase C terminal (100.0%)
962 1 1 0 PF01764:Lipase (class 3) (100.0%)
963 1 1 1
964 1 1 2 PF00018:SH3 domain (75.0%); PF00617:RasGEF domain (75.0%); PF00618:RasGEF N-terminal motif (75.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (75.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (75.0%)
965 1 1 0 PF01095:Pectinesterase (100.0%)
966 1 1 2
967 1 1 1 PF05686:Glycosyl transferase family 90 (100.0%)
968 2 2 1 PF05730:CFEM domain (100.0%); PF04935:Surfeit locus protein 6 (40.0%)
969 1 1 1 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%); PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (33.3%)
970 2 2 3 PF00295:Glycosyl hydrolases family 28 (100.0%)
971 1 1 0 PF02992:Transposase family tnp2 (100.0%)
972 2 2 0 PF00457:Glycosyl hydrolases family 11 (100.0%)
973 1 1 2
974 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13920:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF14634:zinc-RING finger domain (33.3%)
975 2 1 2 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (60.0%); PF01068:ATP dependent DNA ligase domain (60.0%); PF04675:DNA ligase N terminus (60.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (40.0%)
976 1 1 2
977 0 0 2 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%)
980 0 0 4 PF13087:AAA domain (75.0%); PF18044:CCCH-type zinc finger (50.0%); PF00642:Zinc finger C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H type (and similar) (25.0%); PF13086:AAA domain (25.0%); PF20173:Family of unknown function (DUF6539) (25.0%)
982 0 0 2
985 0 0 1 PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
991 0 0 4 PF01717:Cobalamin-independent synthase, Catalytic domain (75.0%)
995 0 0 4 PF00339:Arrestin (or S-antigen), N-terminal domain (50.0%); PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (25.0%)
998 0 0 3 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
1000 0 0 3
1001 0 0 20
1004 2 2 1 PF07716:Basic region leucine zipper (80.0%)
1005 1 1 3 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1006 1 1 2 PF00646:F-box domain (50.0%); PF12937:F-box-like (50.0%)
1007 1 1 1 PF00827:Ribosomal L15 (100.0%)
1008 1 1 0 PF02278:Polysaccharide lyase family 8, super-sandwich domain (100.0%); PF02884:Polysaccharide lyase family 8, C-terminal beta-sandwich domain (100.0%); PF08124:Polysaccharide lyase family 8, N terminal alpha-helical domain (100.0%)
1009 1 1 2 PF01490:Transmembrane amino acid transporter protein (75.0%); PF01553:Acyltransferase (75.0%); PF16076:Acyltransferase C-terminus (25.0%)
1010 2 2 1 PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (60.0%); PF02469:Fasciclin domain (60.0%)
1011 1 1 2 PF07890:Rrp15p (75.0%); PF08513:LisH (25.0%); PF10607:CTLH/CRA C-terminal to LisH motif domain (25.0%)
1012 1 1 1 PF01433:Peptidase family M1 domain (100.0%); PF09127:Leukotriene A4 hydrolase, C-terminal (100.0%); PF17900:Peptidase M1 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1013 3 3 1 PF00254:FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (100.0%)
1014 1 1 1 PF01026:TatD related DNase (100.0%)
1015 1 1 1 PF00010:Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain (100.0%)
1016 1 1 1
1017 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (66.7%); PF12874:Zinc-finger of C2H2 type (66.7%)
1018 8 11 0
1019 2 2 0
1020 1 1 1 PF03328:HpcH/HpaI aldolase/citrate lyase family (100.0%)
1021 2 2 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1022 1 2 0 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (66.7%)
1023 1 1 1 PF01822:WSC domain (100.0%); PF09118:Galactose oxidase-like, Early set domain (100.0%); PF07250:Glyoxal oxidase N-terminus (66.7%)
1024 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF02149:Kinase associated domain 1 (100.0%); PF06293:Lipopolysaccharide kinase (Kdo/WaaP) family (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF06645:Microsomal signal peptidase 12 kDa subunit (SPC12) (66.7%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (33.3%)
1025 1 1 2 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (75.0%)
1026 2 2 2 PF10033:Autophagy-related protein 13 (83.3%)
1027 5 6 1
1028 2 1 2 PF11779:Small subunit of serine palmitoyltransferase-like (100.0%)
1029 1 1 1 PF03547:Membrane transport protein (100.0%)
1030 1 1 1 PF02602:Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase HemD (100.0%)
1031 1 1 4 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%)
1032 1 1 2
1033 2 2 1 PF00149:Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase (100.0%)
1034 1 1 1 PF09736:Pre-mRNA-splicing factor of RES complex (100.0%); PF04724:Glycosyltransferase family 17 (66.7%)
1035 2 2 2 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%); PF01070:FMN-dependent dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF01645:Conserved region in glutamate synthase (100.0%)
1036 2 2 2
1037 1 1 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00503:G-protein alpha subunit (100.0%)
1038 1 1 1 PF00072:Response regulator receiver domain (100.0%); PF00447:HSF-type DNA-binding (100.0%)
1039 2 2 1 PF13246:Cation transport ATPase (P-type) (100.0%); PF16209:Phospholipid-translocating ATPase N-terminal (100.0%); PF16212:Phospholipid-translocating P-type ATPase C-terminal (100.0%); PF00702:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (80.0%)
1040 1 1 2 PF00631:GGL domain (100.0%)
1041 1 1 1 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
1042 2 2 2 PF00557:Metallopeptidase family M24 (100.0%); PF15801:zf-MYND-like zinc finger, mRNA-binding (66.7%)
1043 1 1 3 PF09286:Pro-kumamolisin, activation domain (80.0%)
1044 1 1 1 PF20236:Family of unknown function (DUF6593) (66.7%)
1045 1 1 1 PF05707:Zonular occludens toxin (Zot) (66.7%)
1046 1 1 1
1047 4 4 2 PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (90.0%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (80.0%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (70.0%); PF14497:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (20.0%); PF07798:Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 90-like (10.0%)
1048 4 7 0 PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (54.5%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (45.5%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (45.5%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (45.5%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (36.4%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (36.4%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (18.2%)
1049 1 1 2 PF04263:Thiamin pyrophosphokinase, catalytic domain (75.0%); PF04265:Thiamin pyrophosphokinase, vitamin B1 binding domain (75.0%); PF04969:CS domain (50.0%)
1050 2 2 2 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%); PF12897:Aspartate amino-transferase (83.3%)
1051 1 1 1
1052 1 1 0
1053 1 1 1
1054 1 1 2 PF10342:Kre9/KNH-like N-terminal Ig-like domain (75.0%)
1055 2 2 1 PF00621:RhoGEF domain (100.0%); PF00780:CNH domain (100.0%); PF15405:Pleckstrin homology domain (100.0%); PF00169:PH domain (40.0%)
1056 2 2 2 PF00782:Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
1057 1 1 1
1058 1 1 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1059 1 1 2 PF00494:Squalene/phytoene synthase (75.0%)
1060 1 1 1 PF12937:F-box-like (100.0%)
1061 1 1 1 PF01301:Glycosyl hydrolases family 35 (100.0%); PF10435:Beta-galactosidase, domain 2 (100.0%); PF13363:Beta-galactosidase, domain 3 (100.0%); PF13364:Beta-galactosidase jelly roll domain (100.0%)
1062 4 4 0 PF06985:Heterokaryon incompatibility protein (HET) (25.0%)
1063 1 1 4 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (83.3%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (66.7%)
1064 1 1 2 PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (100.0%); PF02353:Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase (100.0%); PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF08498:Sterol methyltransferase C-terminal (100.0%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF01135:Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PCMT) (75.0%); PF09445:RNA cap guanine-N2 methyltransferase (50.0%)
1065 2 2 2 PF12719:Nuclear condensing complex subunits, C-term domain (100.0%)
1066 1 1 0 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (100.0%); PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%)
1067 1 2 1 PF01853:MOZ/SAS family (75.0%); PF17772:MYST family zinc finger domain (75.0%); PF00628:PHD-finger (50.0%)
1068 2 2 0 PF04937:Protein of unknown function (DUF 659) (75.0%); PF05699:hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region (25.0%)
1069 1 1 1 PF01243:Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (100.0%)
1070 0 2 0 PF20209:Domain of unknown function (DUF6570) (50.0%)
1071 0 1 0 PF00098:Zinc knuckle (100.0%); PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (100.0%)
1072 0 1 1 PF04577:Glycosyltransferase 61 (100.0%)
1076 0 0 2
1077 0 0 1 PF01040:UbiA prenyltransferase family (100.0%)
1082 0 0 4 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1089 0 0 4 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (100.0%)
1091 0 0 19
1092 0 0 19 PF11807:Mycotoxin biosynthesis protein UstYa (100.0%)
1094 1 1 2 PF02671:Paired amphipathic helix repeat (100.0%)
1095 2 2 1 PF01532:Glycosyl hydrolase family 47 (100.0%)
1096 2 3 1 PF01179:Copper amine oxidase, enzyme domain (100.0%); PF02728:Copper amine oxidase, N3 domain (83.3%); PF02727:Copper amine oxidase, N2 domain (50.0%)
1097 1 1 1 PF00491:Arginase family (100.0%)
1098 1 1 0 PF05920:Homeobox KN domain (100.0%)
1099 1 1 2 PF01408:Oxidoreductase family, NAD-binding Rossmann fold (100.0%)
1100 1 1 2 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (75.0%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (50.0%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%)
1101 1 1 1 PF00009:Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (100.0%); PF00679:Elongation factor G C-terminus (100.0%); PF03144:Elongation factor Tu domain 2 (100.0%); PF03764:Elongation factor G, domain IV (100.0%); PF14492:Elongation Factor G, domain III (100.0%)
1102 1 1 1 PF00075:RNase H (100.0%); PF01693:Caulimovirus viroplasmin (100.0%)
1103 1 1 2 PF00621:RhoGEF domain (50.0%)
1104 2 2 1 PF00735:Septin (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%)
1105 1 1 1 PF07940:Heparinase II/III-like protein (100.0%)
1106 1 1 1 PF03169:OPT oligopeptide transporter protein (100.0%)
1107 1 1 1 PF04922:DIE2/ALG10 family (100.0%)
1108 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1109 2 2 1 PF01981:Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase PTH2 (100.0%)
1110 1 1 0
1111 2 2 1 PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (100.0%)
1112 2 2 1 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%); PF18264:CXC domain (80.0%)
1113 1 1 6 PF15496:Domain of unknown function (DUF4646) (100.0%)
1114 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF01485:IBR domain, a half RING-finger domain (100.0%); PF04163:Tht1-like nuclear fusion protein (66.7%); PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (33.3%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (33.3%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%)
1115 2 2 1 PF11915:Protein of unknown function (DUF3433) (100.0%)
1116 1 1 1 PF10300:Iml2/Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39 (100.0%)
1117 2 2 2 PF00300:Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 1) (100.0%)
1118 1 1 1 PF00072:Response regulator receiver domain (100.0%); PF00512:His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain (100.0%); PF00672:HAMP domain (100.0%); PF02518:Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase (100.0%); PF18947:HAMP domain (100.0%)
1119 7 11 0 PF00646:F-box domain (61.1%)
1120 1 1 1 PF03031:NLI interacting factor-like phosphatase (100.0%)
1121 1 1 1 PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (100.0%); PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (33.3%)
1122 1 1 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%)
1123 2 2 0 PF04209:Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase C-terminal (100.0%); PF20510:Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase N-terminal (100.0%)
1124 2 2 1 PF07250:Glyoxal oxidase N-terminus (100.0%); PF09118:Galactose oxidase-like, Early set domain (100.0%)
1125 1 1 1 PF02179:BAG domain (100.0%)
1126 1 1 1 PF01765:Ribosome recycling factor (100.0%)
1127 9 9 0 PF12937:F-box-like (38.9%)
1128 1 1 4 PF00389:D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF02826:D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (100.0%)
1129 1 1 2 PF04137:Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidoreductin 1 (ERO1) (75.0%)
1130 1 1 1 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%); PF11951:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (33.3%)
1131 2 1 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (100.0%); PF00611:Fes/CIP4, and EFC/F-BAR homology domain (100.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (75.0%)
1132 1 1 1 PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (33.3%)
1133 3 3 1 PF00962:Adenosine deaminase (100.0%)
1134 1 1 2 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (25.0%)
1135 1 1 2 PF02181:Formin Homology 2 Domain (75.0%); PF06367:Diaphanous FH3 Domain (75.0%); PF06371:Diaphanous GTPase-binding Domain (75.0%); PF04632:Fusaric acid resistance protein family (50.0%); PF13515:Fusaric acid resistance protein-like (50.0%)
1136 2 2 2 PF01187:Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) (100.0%)
1137 2 2 1 PF00168:C2 domain (100.0%); PF00387:Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, Y domain (100.0%); PF00388:Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain (100.0%); PF09279:Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C, efhand-like (40.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (20.0%)
1138 2 2 1 PF00888:Cullin family (100.0%); PF10557:Cullin protein neddylation domain (100.0%)
1139 1 1 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (75.0%); PF08659:KR domain (75.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (75.0%)
1140 1 1 1 PF02230:Phospholipase/Carboxylesterase (100.0%); PF00756:Putative esterase (33.3%)
1141 1 1 2 PF04588:Hypoxia induced protein conserved region (100.0%)
1142 2 2 1 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (100.0%); PF13508:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (100.0%); PF13673:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (100.0%); PF08445:FR47-like protein (20.0%)
1143 2 2 1 PF10342:Kre9/KNH-like N-terminal Ig-like domain (100.0%)
1144 1 1 1 PF04818:CID domain (33.3%)
1145 1 1 2 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (75.0%); PF00071:Ras family (75.0%); PF01251:Ribosomal protein S7e (75.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (75.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (75.0%)
1146 1 1 1 PF00109:Beta-ketoacyl synthase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00550:Phosphopantetheine attachment site (100.0%); PF00698:Acyl transferase domain (100.0%); PF02801:Beta-ketoacyl synthase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF14765:Polyketide synthase dehydratase (100.0%); PF16073:Starter unit:ACP transacylase in aflatoxin biosynthesis (100.0%); PF00975:Thioesterase domain (33.3%)
1147 2 2 1 PF05008:Vesicle transport v-SNARE protein N-terminus (100.0%); PF12352:Snare region anchored in the vesicle membrane C-terminus (100.0%)
1148 2 2 2 PF03009:Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase family (50.0%); PF04757:Pex2 / Pex12 amino terminal region (50.0%); PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (33.3%); PF03105:SPX domain (33.3%); PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (33.3%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (33.3%)
1149 1 1 0
1150 2 2 1 PF13520:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF00324:Amino acid permease (20.0%)
1151 3 3 0
1152 1 1 1
1153 6 5 1 PF00264:Common central domain of tyrosinase (91.7%); PF18132:Tyosinase C-terminal domain (91.7%)
1154 2 2 0 PF07250:Glyoxal oxidase N-terminus (100.0%); PF09118:Galactose oxidase-like, Early set domain (100.0%)
1155 1 1 1 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF08491:Squalene epoxidase (100.0%)
1156 1 1 0 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
1157 2 2 1 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (100.0%)
1158 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (33.3%)
1159 7 7 0 PF00098:Zinc knuckle (14.3%)
1160 6 9 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (60.0%)
1161 4 1 0 PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (80.0%)
1162 2 2 2 PF01425:Amidase (100.0%)
1163 1 1 0 PF00136:DNA polymerase family B (100.0%); PF03104:DNA polymerase family B, exonuclease domain (100.0%); PF14260:C4-type zinc-finger of DNA polymerase delta (100.0%)
1164 1 1 1 PF00320:GATA zinc finger (100.0%)
1165 1 1 0 PF00648:Calpain family cysteine protease (100.0%)
1166 1 1 1 PF12937:F-box-like (33.3%)
1167 3 3 3 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (66.7%); PF03137:Organic Anion Transporter Polypeptide (OATP) family (11.1%)
1168 1 1 4 PF07926:TPR/MLP1/MLP2-like protein (50.0%)
1169 2 2 1 PF03637:Mob1/phocein family (100.0%)
1170 1 1 2 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (75.0%)
1171 1 1 1 PF00080:Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SODC) (100.0%)
1172 3 3 0 PF07250:Glyoxal oxidase N-terminus (100.0%); PF09118:Galactose oxidase-like, Early set domain (100.0%)
1173 1 1 1 PF00722:Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 (100.0%)
1174 1 1 1 PF11937:Protein of unknown function (DUF3455) (100.0%)
1175 1 1 2 PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13409:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13410:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (25.0%)
1176 3 3 1 PF04193:PQ loop repeat (100.0%)
1177 1 1 2 PF07944:Beta-L-arabinofuranosidase, GH127 (100.0%)
1178 1 1 1 PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (66.7%)
1179 9 9 0 PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
1180 16 1 0
1181 1 1 2 PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%)
1182 1 1 1 PF00855:PWWP domain (100.0%); PF08711:TFIIS helical bundle-like domain (66.7%)
1183 1 1 0
1184 1 1 1 PF00443:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (100.0%)
1185 1 1 2 PF13350:Tyrosine phosphatase family (100.0%)
1186 1 1 2 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (75.0%)
1187 1 3 0 PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (100.0%)
1188 1 2 0
1189 0 1 0 PF00098:Zinc knuckle (100.0%); PF00665:Integrase core domain (100.0%); PF07727:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (100.0%); PF13976:GAG-pre-integrase domain (100.0%); PF14223:gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (100.0%)
1192 0 0 3 PF11807:Mycotoxin biosynthesis protein UstYa (100.0%)
1194 0 0 2 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%); PF08740:BCS1 N terminal (50.0%)
1195 0 0 1 PF20236:Family of unknown function (DUF6593) (100.0%)
1197 0 0 1 PF20153:Family of unknown function (DUF6535) (100.0%)
1198 0 0 2 PF06140:Interferon-induced 6-16 family (100.0%)
1199 0 0 2
1202 0 0 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1203 0 0 1 PF07572:Bucentaur or craniofacial development (100.0%)
1206 0 0 3
1208 0 0 2 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1211 0 0 1
1212 0 0 1 PF01828:Peptidase A4 family (100.0%)
1221 1 1 1 PF10345:Cohesin loading factor (100.0%)
1222 1 1 2 PF00390:Malic enzyme, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF03949:Malic enzyme, NAD binding domain (100.0%)
1223 1 1 2 PF02668:Taurine catabolism dioxygenase TauD, TfdA family (100.0%)
1224 2 2 0 PF00035:Double-stranded RNA binding motif (75.0%)
1225 1 1 1
1226 1 1 2 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (50.0%)
1227 1 1 1 PF01545:Cation efflux family (100.0%); PF16916:Dimerisation domain of Zinc Transporter (100.0%)
1228 1 1 1 PF07883:Cupin domain (66.7%)
1229 1 1 1
1230 1 1 1 PF00385:Chromo (CHRromatin Organisation MOdifier) domain (66.7%)
1231 1 1 2
1232 1 1 0
1233 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (80.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (80.0%)
1234 1 1 0
1235 2 2 1 PF03167:Uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily (100.0%)
1236 1 1 1 PF20238:Family of unknown function (DUF6595) (100.0%)
1237 2 2 2 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (50.0%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (33.3%)
1238 2 1 2
1239 16 0 0 PF08284:Retroviral aspartyl protease (93.8%); PF13650:Aspartyl protease (87.5%); PF13975:gag-polyprotein putative aspartyl protease (81.2%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (68.8%); PF17919:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (62.5%); PF17917:RNase H-like domain found in reverse transcriptase (50.0%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (6.2%); PF17921:Integrase zinc binding domain (6.2%)
1240 3 3 1 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%); PF13193:AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain (71.4%)
1241 1 1 1
1242 1 1 1 PF00134:Cyclin, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02984:Cyclin, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1243 1 1 1 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (66.7%); PF13302:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (66.7%)
1244 1 1 1 PF06912:Protein of unknown function (DUF1275) (100.0%)
1245 8 8 0
1246 2 2 1
1247 1 1 1 PF10513:Enhancer of polycomb-like (100.0%)
1248 1 1 1 PF00338:Ribosomal protein S10p/S20e (100.0%); PF10163:Transcription factor e(y)2 (66.7%)
1249 1 1 5 PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (71.4%); PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (57.1%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (57.1%)
1250 2 2 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF01764:Lipase (class 3) (40.0%)
1251 2 2 1
1252 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF00433:Protein kinase C terminal domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1253 1 1 1 PF00704:Glycosyl hydrolases family 18 (100.0%)
1254 1 1 3 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (60.0%); PF04421:Mss4 protein (60.0%); PF13673:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (60.0%); PF13508:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (40.0%)
1255 2 2 1 PF00702:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%); PF13419:Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%); PF13242:HAD-hyrolase-like (20.0%)
1256 7 7 0 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (100.0%)
1257 3 3 1 PF01753:MYND finger (100.0%)
1258 1 1 1 PF00044:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02800:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1259 9 8 0 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (76.5%)
1260 2 2 0 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%); PF08740:BCS1 N terminal (100.0%)
1261 3 3 1 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%); PF01981:Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase PTH2 (28.6%)
1262 2 2 1
1263 1 1 1 PF00118:TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family (100.0%)
1264 1 1 1 PF01625:Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (100.0%)
1265 1 1 1 PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (33.3%)
1266 7 10 0 PF00646:F-box domain (47.1%); PF12937:F-box-like (35.3%)
1267 1 1 1
1268 1 1 1 PF06687:SUR7/PalI family (33.3%)
1269 1 1 1 PF07971:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 (100.0%); PF17678:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1270 1 1 1 PF13380:CoA binding domain (100.0%)
1271 1 1 1 PF00564:PB1 domain (100.0%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF01202:Shikimate kinase (66.7%); PF01487:Type I 3-dehydroquinase (66.7%); PF01585:G-patch domain (66.7%); PF08501:Shikimate dehydrogenase substrate binding domain (66.7%); PF18317:Shikimate 5'-dehydrogenase C-terminal domain (66.7%)
1272 1 1 3 PF01470:Pyroglutamyl peptidase (20.0%)
1273 1 1 5
1274 1 1 1 PF12861:Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11 RING-H2 finger (100.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (100.0%); PF17123:RING-like zinc finger (100.0%); PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%); PF14570:RING/Ubox like zinc-binding domain (33.3%)
1275 1 1 1
1276 3 3 4 PF06140:Interferon-induced 6-16 family (50.0%)
1277 1 1 2
1278 2 2 0 PF00959:Phage lysozyme (100.0%)
1279 2 2 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF00646:F-box domain (60.0%); PF12937:F-box-like (60.0%)
1280 1 1 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1281 1 1 3 PF00484:Carbonic anhydrase (100.0%)
1282 1 1 1 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%)
1283 1 1 1 PF00130:Phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain (C1 domain) (100.0%)
1284 1 1 0
1285 1 1 1 PF00557:Metallopeptidase family M24 (100.0%)
1286 2 2 1 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%)
1287 2 2 1 PF17032:zinc-ribbon family (40.0%)
1288 1 1 1 PF00916:Sulfate permease family (100.0%); PF01740:STAS domain (100.0%)
1289 1 1 2 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%); PF13472:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family (100.0%)
1290 1 1 1 PF00070:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF02852:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, dimerisation domain (100.0%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF12831:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13738:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (66.7%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (33.3%)
1291 3 3 1 PF01055:Glycosyl hydrolases family 31 (100.0%); PF13802:Galactose mutarotase-like (100.0%); PF16863:N-terminal barrel of NtMGAM and CtMGAM, maltase-glucoamylase (100.0%)
1292 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1293 1 1 1 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%)
1294 1 1 1 PF04909:Amidohydrolase (100.0%)
1295 1 1 2 PF05183:RNA dependent RNA polymerase (100.0%)
1296 1 1 1 PF01522:Polysaccharide deacetylase (100.0%)
1297 2 2 1 PF00332:Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 (80.0%)
1298 1 1 0 PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%); PF10503:Esterase PHB depolymerase (100.0%)
1299 9 8 0 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (11.8%)
1300 3 3 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%)
1301 3 3 1
1302 1 1 1 PF03061:Thioesterase superfamily (100.0%); PF13279:Thioesterase-like superfamily (100.0%)
1303 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (100.0%); PF01485:IBR domain, a half RING-finger domain (33.3%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (33.3%)
1304 9 8 0 PF14529:Endonuclease-reverse transcriptase (70.6%); PF00078:Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) (17.6%)
1305 1 1 0
1306 2 2 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF00975:Thioesterase domain (40.0%); PF07819:PGAP1-like protein (40.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (20.0%)
1307 1 1 1 PF00320:GATA zinc finger (100.0%)
1308 1 1 1
1309 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF12894:Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain (100.0%); PF08581:Tup N-terminal (66.7%)
1310 2 2 1 PF01532:Glycosyl hydrolase family 47 (100.0%)
1311 1 1 1 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%)
1312 1 1 0 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF00664:ABC transporter transmembrane region (100.0%)
1313 2 2 1 PF10164:Brain protein I3 (100.0%)
1314 2 2 1 PF05153:Myo-inositol oxygenase (100.0%)
1315 1 1 1 PF00232:Glycosyl hydrolase family 1 (100.0%)
1316 1 1 1 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%); PF13193:AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF16177:Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase N-terminus (100.0%)
1317 1 1 1 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%); PF00293:NUDIX domain (66.7%); PF15916:Domain of unknown function (DUF4743) (66.7%)
1318 1 1 2 PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (100.0%); PF16363:GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase (100.0%)
1319 1 1 2 PF00682:HMGL-like (100.0%)
1320 3 2 1 PF01937:Damage-control phosphatase ARMT1-like domain (83.3%)
1321 1 1 0 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00503:G-protein alpha subunit (100.0%)
1322 6 8 1
1323 1 0 1 PF01073:3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase family (100.0%); PF03435:Saccharopine dehydrogenase NADP binding domain (100.0%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (100.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (50.0%)
1324 1 2 1 PF08445:FR47-like protein (75.0%); PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (50.0%); PF13673:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain (50.0%)
1325 1 1 1 PF03959:Serine hydrolase (FSH1) (100.0%)
1326 1 1 2 PF01144:Coenzyme A transferase (100.0%)
1327 1 1 0 PF03370:Carbohydrate/starch-binding module (family 21) (100.0%); PF16760:Starch/carbohydrate-binding module (family 53) (100.0%)
1328 2 2 2 PF00633:Helix-hairpin-helix motif (100.0%); PF00730:HhH-GPD superfamily base excision DNA repair protein (100.0%)
1329 1 1 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12146:Serine aminopeptidase, S33 (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF08386:TAP-like protein (33.3%)
1330 3 6 1 PF20149:Domain of unknown function (DUF6532) (10.0%)
1331 1 1 0 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (50.0%)
1336 0 0 1
1339 0 0 2 PF01679:Proteolipid membrane potential modulator (100.0%)
1341 0 0 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (100.0%); PF13920:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%)
1343 0 0 1 PF04119:Heat shock protein 9/12 (100.0%)
1344 0 0 1
1345 0 0 2 PF00656:Caspase domain (100.0%)
1346 0 0 2 PF00856:SET domain (50.0%)
1347 0 0 2 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%)
1348 0 0 1 PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
1350 0 0 2 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (50.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (50.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (50.0%)
1352 0 0 1 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%)
1353 0 0 3
1364 2 2 0 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (100.0%)
1365 2 3 1 PF01127:Succinate dehydrogenase/Fumarate reductase transmembrane subunit (83.3%)
1366 1 1 1 PF01784:NIF3 (NGG1p interacting factor 3) (100.0%)
1367 1 1 2 PF12766:Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (100.0%); PF01243:Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (25.0%)
1368 1 1 1 PF02463:RecF/RecN/SMC N terminal domain (100.0%); PF06470:SMC proteins Flexible Hinge Domain (100.0%); PF13304:AAA domain, putative AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (66.7%)
1369 1 1 1 PF00175:Oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF00970:Oxidoreductase FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (33.3%)
1370 2 2 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (100.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (40.0%)
1371 1 1 0 PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%)
1372 1 1 1 PF05222:Alanine dehydrogenase/PNT, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1373 1 1 2 PF03198:Glucanosyltransferase (100.0%); PF07983:X8 domain (100.0%)
1374 1 1 2
1375 1 1 0 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%)
1376 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (66.7%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (66.7%); PF04408:Helicase associated domain (HA2) (66.7%); PF07717:Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB)-fold (66.7%)
1377 1 1 1 PF00623:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 2 (100.0%); PF04983:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3 (100.0%); PF04990:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 7 (100.0%); PF04992:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 6 (100.0%); PF04997:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1 (100.0%); PF04998:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5 (100.0%); PF05000:RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4 (100.0%); PF05001:RNA polymerase Rpb1 C-terminal repeat (100.0%)
1378 1 1 1 PF00485:Phosphoribulokinase / Uridine kinase family (66.7%)
1379 1 1 1 PF00646:F-box domain (66.7%); PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
1380 1 1 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1381 2 2 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00503:G-protein alpha subunit (100.0%)
1382 1 1 0
1383 1 1 1
1384 1 1 0
1385 2 2 1 PF00013:KH domain (60.0%)
1386 11 5 0
1387 16 0 0
1388 1 2 1
1389 2 2 1 PF01053:Cys/Met metabolism PLP-dependent enzyme (100.0%)
1390 1 1 0 PF04749:PLAC8 family (100.0%)
1391 2 2 0
1392 1 1 2 PF13279:Thioesterase-like superfamily (100.0%)
1393 1 1 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
1394 1 1 1 PF07534:TLD (100.0%)
1395 1 1 0 PF00128:Alpha amylase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF02806:Alpha amylase, C-terminal all-beta domain (100.0%)
1396 1 1 1 PF03619:Organic solute transporter Ostalpha (100.0%)
1397 2 2 1 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%)
1398 1 1 1 PF00578:AhpC/TSA family (100.0%); PF08534:Redoxin (100.0%); PF10417:C-terminal domain of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin (100.0%)
1399 1 1 1 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%); PF00266:Aminotransferase class-V (100.0%); PF01041:DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS aminotransferase family (100.0%); PF01053:Cys/Met metabolism PLP-dependent enzyme (100.0%)
1400 1 1 1 PF01096:Transcription factor S-II (TFIIS) (100.0%); PF07500:Transcription factor S-II (TFIIS), central domain (100.0%); PF08711:TFIIS helical bundle-like domain (100.0%)
1401 2 2 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1402 1 1 1
1403 2 2 1 PF10615:Domain of unknown function (DUF2470) (100.0%); PF14934:Transmembrane protein 254 (80.0%)
1404 2 2 1 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (100.0%)
1405 1 1 1 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (33.3%)
1406 1 1 1 PF01814:Hemerythrin HHE cation binding domain (100.0%)
1407 1 1 1 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%); PF05033:Pre-SET motif (100.0%)
1408 3 3 1 PF00117:Glutamine amidotransferase class-I (100.0%)
1409 1 1 1 PF00036:EF hand (100.0%); PF13202:EF hand (100.0%); PF13405:EF-hand domain (100.0%); PF13499:EF-hand domain pair (100.0%); PF13833:EF-hand domain pair (100.0%); PF12763:Cytoskeletal-regulatory complex EF hand (66.7%)
1410 2 2 2 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (66.7%)
1411 2 1 0
1412 1 1 3
1413 3 3 0 PF14075:Ubinuclein conserved middle domain (100.0%); PF08729:HPC2 and ubinuclein domain (66.7%)
1414 4 4 2
1415 3 1 0
1416 1 1 1 PF19189:Mtf2 family (100.0%)
1417 1 1 2 PF13540:Regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) repeat (75.0%)
1418 1 1 1 PF00533:BRCA1 C Terminus (BRCT) domain (66.7%)
1419 2 2 1 PF03311:Cornichon protein (100.0%)
1420 1 1 1 PF02752:Arrestin (or S-antigen), C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00339:Arrestin (or S-antigen), N-terminal domain (66.7%)
1421 1 1 1 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF10340:Steryl acetyl hydrolase (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
1422 2 2 1 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1423 2 2 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1424 1 1 1 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (66.7%); PF13472:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase family (33.3%)
1425 1 1 2 PF09692:Argonaute siRNA chaperone (ARC) complex subunit Arb1 (50.0%)
1426 2 2 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (40.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (40.0%)
1427 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
1428 1 1 1 PF00082:Subtilase family (100.0%); PF01483:Proprotein convertase P-domain (100.0%)
1429 1 1 1 PF00701:Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase family (100.0%)
1430 1 1 1
1431 1 1 3 PF01553:Acyltransferase (80.0%)
1432 1 1 1 PF01408:Oxidoreductase family, NAD-binding Rossmann fold (100.0%); PF08635:Putative oxidoreductase C terminal domain (100.0%); PF02894:Oxidoreductase family, C-terminal alpha/beta domain (66.7%)
1433 1 1 1 PF00012:Hsp70 protein (100.0%); PF06723:MreB/Mbl protein (100.0%)
1434 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1435 1 1 2 PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (75.0%); PF04408:Helicase associated domain (HA2) (75.0%); PF07717:Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB)-fold (75.0%); PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (50.0%); PF07956:Protein of Unknown function (DUF1690) (50.0%)
1436 1 1 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%)
1437 1 1 1 PF00450:Serine carboxypeptidase (100.0%)
1438 1 1 0 PF00053:Laminin EGF domain (100.0%); PF15913:Furin-like repeat, cysteine-rich (100.0%)
1439 1 1 0
1440 1 1 1 PF04199:Putative cyclase (100.0%)
1441 2 2 1 PF00501:AMP-binding enzyme (100.0%)
1442 1 1 1 PF10058:Predicted integral membrane zinc-ribbon metal-binding protein (100.0%)
1443 1 1 2 PF00324:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (100.0%)
1444 1 1 1 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%); PF02064:MAS20 protein import receptor (100.0%)
1445 1 1 1 PF01557:Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase family (100.0%)
1446 1 1 1 PF02366:Dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase (100.0%); PF02815:MIR domain (100.0%); PF16192:C-terminal four TMM region of protein-O-mannosyltransferase (100.0%)
1447 1 1 1 PF00085:Thioredoxin (100.0%); PF13848:Thioredoxin-like domain (100.0%)
1448 1 1 1 PF01546:Peptidase family M20/M25/M40 (100.0%); PF04389:Peptidase family M28 (100.0%)
1449 1 1 1 PF02187:Growth-Arrest-Specific Protein 2 Domain (100.0%)
1450 2 2 1 PF00009:Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (60.0%); PF00324:Amino acid permease (60.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (60.0%); PF03144:Elongation factor Tu domain 2 (60.0%); PF11987:Translation-initiation factor 2 (60.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (60.0%)
1451 2 1 1 PF05843:Suppressor of forked protein (Suf) (75.0%)
1452 2 2 1 PF07971:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 (100.0%); PF17678:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1453 1 1 1 PF00939:Sodium:sulfate symporter transmembrane region (100.0%); PF03105:SPX domain (100.0%); PF03600:Citrate transporter (100.0%)
1454 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF12894:Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain (33.3%)
1455 1 1 1
1456 1 1 0
1457 1 1 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (100.0%); PF00241:Cofilin/tropomyosin-type actin-binding protein (100.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%)
1458 1 1 2 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (25.0%)
1459 3 3 1 PF00085:Thioredoxin (100.0%)
1460 1 1 1 PF03060:Nitronate monooxygenase (100.0%); PF00478:IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain (66.7%)
1461 1 1 1 PF01764:Lipase (class 3) (100.0%); PF05057:Putative serine esterase (DUF676) (100.0%)
1462 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF10294:Lysine methyltransferase (66.7%)
1463 1 1 2 PF03332:Eukaryotic phosphomannomutase (100.0%); PF08282:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (50.0%)
1464 1 1 1 PF01885:RNA 2'-phosphotransferase, Tpt1 / KptA family (100.0%)
1465 1 1 1 PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%); PF10469:AKAP7 2'5' RNA ligase-like domain (66.7%); PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (33.3%)
1466 1 1 1 PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13434:L-lysine 6-monooxygenase/L-ornithine 5-monooxygenase (100.0%); PF00743:Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like (66.7%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (33.3%)
1467 1 1 1 PF20210:Laa1/Sip1/HEATR5 HEAT repeat region (100.0%)
1468 1 1 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1469 2 2 1 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (40.0%)
1470 1 1 3 PF10173:Mitochondrial K+-H+ exchange-related (100.0%)
1471 2 2 1 PF04193:PQ loop repeat (100.0%)
1472 1 1 2 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1473 1 1 1 PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (66.7%)
1474 1 1 1 PF02902:Ulp1 protease family, C-terminal catalytic domain (100.0%)
1475 2 2 1 PF00390:Malic enzyme, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF03949:Malic enzyme, NAD binding domain (100.0%)
1476 1 1 1 PF00487:Fatty acid desaturase (100.0%)
1477 1 1 1 PF00348:Polyprenyl synthetase (100.0%)
1478 2 2 0 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%)
1479 1 1 1 PF05577:Serine carboxypeptidase S28 (100.0%)
1480 1 1 0
1481 3 4 0 PF01183:Glycosyl hydrolases family 25 (100.0%)
1482 3 3 1 PF10510:Phosphatidylinositol-glycan biosynthesis class S protein (100.0%)
1483 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF04053:Coatomer WD associated region (100.0%); PF06957:Coatomer (COPI) alpha subunit C-terminus (100.0%)
1484 1 1 0 PF01124:MAPEG family (100.0%)
1485 1 1 1 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%)
1486 2 2 2 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%); PF10340:Steryl acetyl hydrolase (83.3%); PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (66.7%); PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (33.3%)
1487 1 1 1 PF01545:Cation efflux family (33.3%)
1488 1 1 2 PF01328:Peroxidase, family 2 (100.0%)
1489 1 1 1 PF01575:MaoC like domain (100.0%)
1490 1 1 0 PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%)
1491 1 1 1
1492 1 1 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00503:G-protein alpha subunit (100.0%)
1493 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
1494 1 1 1 PF02985:HEAT repeat (100.0%); PF12755:Vacuolar 14 Fab1-binding region (100.0%); PF18808:Importin repeat (100.0%); PF13513:HEAT-like repeat (33.3%); PF18829:Importin repeat 6 (33.3%)
1495 1 1 1 PF00010:Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain (100.0%)
1496 1 1 1 PF00018:SH3 domain (100.0%); PF00621:RhoGEF domain (100.0%); PF12763:Cytoskeletal-regulatory complex EF hand (100.0%); PF14604:Variant SH3 domain (100.0%); PF07653:Variant SH3 domain (66.7%); PF16652:Pleckstrin homology domain (66.7%); PF02205:WH2 motif (33.3%); PF08226:Domain of unknown function (DUF1720) (33.3%)
1497 1 1 1 PF08312:cwf21 domain (100.0%)
1498 3 9 0
1499 1 1 1 PF01412:Putative GTPase activating protein for Arf (100.0%)
1500 1 1 1 PF00635:MSP (Major sperm protein) domain (100.0%)
1501 2 1 1 PF12814:Meiotic cell cortex C-terminal pleckstrin homology (100.0%); PF00169:PH domain (75.0%)
1502 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
1503 1 1 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1504 1 1 1 PF04116:Fatty acid hydroxylase (100.0%)
1505 1 1 2 PF00568:WH1 domain (100.0%); PF00786:P21-Rho-binding domain (75.0%)
1506 1 1 1 PF11754:Velvet factor (100.0%)
1507 0 1 0 PF05970:PIF1-like helicase (100.0%); PF13245:AAA domain (100.0%); PF13604:AAA domain (100.0%); PF14214:Helitron helicase-like domain at N-terminus (100.0%); PF20209:Domain of unknown function (DUF6570) (100.0%)
1512 0 0 2
1516 0 0 1 PF10551:MULE transposase domain (100.0%)
1519 0 0 5
1520 0 0 2 PF08914:Rap1 Myb domain (50.0%)
1521 0 0 1 PF01753:MYND finger (100.0%)
1523 0 0 1
1524 0 0 4 PF20174:Family of unknown function (DUF6540) (25.0%)
1525 0 0 13 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (92.3%)
1526 0 0 1 PF10469:AKAP7 2'5' RNA ligase-like domain (100.0%)
1532 0 0 3 PF05183:RNA dependent RNA polymerase (33.3%); PF13087:AAA domain (33.3%)
1533 0 0 1 PF00070:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%)
1534 0 0 3 PF01135:Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PCMT) (66.7%); PF01209:ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family (66.7%); PF02390:Putative methyltransferase (66.7%); PF05175:Methyltransferase small domain (66.7%); PF07021:Methionine biosynthesis protein MetW (66.7%); PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF08242:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF13489:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (66.7%); PF03141:Putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase (33.3%)
1535 0 0 1 PF07247:Alcohol acetyltransferase (100.0%)
1537 0 0 1 PF00070:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF07992:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase (100.0%)
1542 0 0 14
1545 0 0 5 PF05368:NmrA-like family (80.0%)
1552 0 0 4
1553 0 0 5 PF09286:Pro-kumamolisin, activation domain (100.0%)
1554 0 0 4 PF01036:Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein (100.0%)
1558 0 0 16
1567 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%); PF09110:HAND (100.0%); PF09111:SLIDE (100.0%)
1568 3 3 0
1569 1 1 1 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
1570 1 1 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF12698:ABC-2 family transporter protein (100.0%); PF13304:AAA domain, putative AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (66.7%)
1571 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF14531:Kinase-like (33.3%)
1572 1 1 1 PF04118:Dopey, N-terminal (100.0%)
1573 1 1 1 PF10236:Mitochondrial ribosomal death-associated protein 3 (100.0%)
1574 1 1 1 PF01344:Kelch motif (100.0%); PF13415:Galactose oxidase, central domain (100.0%); PF13418:Galactose oxidase, central domain (100.0%); PF13854:Kelch motif (100.0%); PF13964:Kelch motif (100.0%); PF07646:Kelch motif (33.3%)
1575 1 1 3 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (80.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (80.0%); PF08643:Fungal family of unknown function (DUF1776) (40.0%); PF08659:KR domain (40.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (20.0%)
1576 1 1 2
1577 2 2 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (60.0%)
1578 2 2 1 PF00621:RhoGEF domain (100.0%)
1579 1 1 1 PF06687:SUR7/PalI family (100.0%)
1580 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
1581 1 1 3 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (20.0%)
1582 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%)
1583 1 1 1 PF01388:ARID/BRIGHT DNA binding domain (100.0%)
1584 1 1 1 PF00806:Pumilio-family RNA binding repeat (100.0%)
1585 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00439:Bromodomain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%); PF07529:HSA domain (100.0%); PF08880:QLQ (100.0%); PF14619:Snf2-ATP coupling, chromatin remodelling complex (100.0%)
1586 1 1 1 PF01619:Proline dehydrogenase (100.0%)
1587 1 1 0 PF00331:Glycosyl hydrolase family 10 (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%)
1588 1 1 1 PF00170:bZIP transcription factor (100.0%)
1589 2 2 1 PF08302:Fungal tRNA ligase phosphodiesterase domain (100.0%); PF08303:tRNA ligase kinase domain (100.0%); PF09511:RNA ligase (100.0%); PF00808:Histone-like transcription factor (CBF/NF-Y) and archaeal histone (20.0%)
1590 1 1 1 PF01569:PAP2 superfamily (100.0%)
1591 1 1 1 PF05653:Magnesium transporter NIPA (100.0%)
1592 1 1 1 PF02268:Transcription initiation factor IIA, gamma subunit, helical domain (100.0%); PF02751:Transcription initiation factor IIA, gamma subunit (100.0%)
1593 7 8 0 PF00646:F-box domain (66.7%); PF12937:F-box-like (66.7%)
1594 1 1 0 PF01062:Bestrophin, RFP-TM, chloride channel (100.0%)
1595 1 1 2 PF03239:Iron permease FTR1 family (100.0%)
1596 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00636:Ribonuclease III domain (100.0%); PF03368:Dicer dimerisation domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%); PF14622:Ribonuclease-III-like (100.0%)
1597 1 1 1 PF01794:Ferric reductase like transmembrane component (100.0%); PF08022:FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (100.0%)
1598 1 1 1 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1599 2 2 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF14531:Kinase-like (40.0%)
1600 2 2 2 PF16499:Alpha galactosidase A (100.0%); PF17801:Alpha galactosidase C-terminal beta sandwich domain (100.0%)
1601 3 3 1 PF05706:Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 (CDKN3) (85.7%); PF00102:Protein-tyrosine phosphatase (28.6%)
1602 1 1 1
1603 1 1 2 PF01417:ENTH domain (100.0%); PF07651:ANTH domain (50.0%)
1604 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (100.0%); PF13920:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13445:RING-type zinc-finger (33.3%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%)
1605 1 2 1 PF03399:SAC3/GANP family (50.0%)
1606 1 1 1 PF00578:AhpC/TSA family (100.0%); PF08534:Redoxin (100.0%)
1607 1 1 1 PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (100.0%)
1608 1 1 1 PF01595:Cyclin M transmembrane N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1609 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF11816:Domain of unknown function (DUF3337) (100.0%)
1610 1 1 1 PF00578:AhpC/TSA family (100.0%); PF08534:Redoxin (100.0%)
1611 2 2 1 PF00330:Aconitase family (aconitate hydratase) (100.0%); PF00694:Aconitase C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1612 1 2 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%)
1613 1 1 1
1614 1 1 1
1615 1 1 1 PF04577:Glycosyltransferase 61 (100.0%)
1616 1 2 1
1617 1 1 1 PF01756:Acyl-CoA oxidase (100.0%); PF14749:Acyl-coenzyme A oxidase N-terminal (100.0%)
1618 1 1 2 PF10281:Putative nuclear envelope organisation protein (75.0%)
1619 1 1 1 PF02383:SacI homology domain (100.0%); PF04506:Rft protein (66.7%); PF13440:Polysaccharide biosynthesis protein (66.7%)
1620 1 1 1 PF00012:Hsp70 protein (100.0%); PF06723:MreB/Mbl protein (100.0%)
1621 1 1 1 PF01416:tRNA pseudouridine synthase (100.0%)
1622 1 1 1 PF00675:Insulinase (Peptidase family M16) (100.0%)
1623 1 1 1
1624 2 2 1
1625 2 2 2 PF00903:Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dioxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF13669:Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dioxygenase superfamily (33.3%); PF18029:Glyoxalase-like domain (16.7%)
1626 2 2 1
1627 1 1 1 PF00892:EamA-like transporter family (100.0%); PF05653:Magnesium transporter NIPA (100.0%)
1628 1 1 1 PF03178:CPSF A subunit region (100.0%); PF10433:Mono-functional DNA-alkylating methyl methanesulfonate N-term (100.0%)
1629 2 2 1 PF04145:Ctr copper transporter family (60.0%); PF20153:Family of unknown function (DUF6535) (40.0%)
1630 3 4 0 PF20147:Crinkler effector protein N-terminal domain (57.1%)
1631 1 1 1
1632 1 1 1 PF01583:Adenylylsulphate kinase (100.0%); PF01747:ATP-sulfurylase (100.0%); PF14306:PUA-like domain (100.0%)
1633 1 1 1 PF00485:Phosphoribulokinase / Uridine kinase family (33.3%); PF13238:AAA domain (33.3%)
1634 1 1 1
1635 1 1 0 PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (100.0%); PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%); PF02836:Glycosyl hydrolases family 2, TIM barrel domain (100.0%)
1636 1 1 3 PF13419:Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%); PF13242:HAD-hyrolase-like (20.0%)
1637 1 1 1 PF04049:Anaphase promoting complex subunit 8 / Cdc23 (100.0%); PF13176:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13432:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13414:TPR repeat (66.7%); PF15249:Conserved region of unknown function on GLTSCR protein (33.3%)
1638 1 1 1 PF00621:RhoGEF domain (100.0%)
1639 2 2 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (60.0%)
1640 1 1 0 PF12998:Inhibitor of growth proteins N-terminal histone-binding (100.0%)
1641 1 1 1 PF00620:RhoGAP domain (100.0%)
1642 2 3 1 PF00787:PX domain (100.0%)
1643 2 2 0 PF00324:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (100.0%)
1644 1 1 1
1645 1 1 1 PF00749:tRNA synthetases class I (E and Q), catalytic domain (100.0%); PF03950:tRNA synthetases class I (E and Q), anti-codon binding domain (100.0%); PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (33.3%)
1646 1 1 1 PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%)
1647 1 1 1 PF00128:Alpha amylase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF00534:Glycosyl transferases group 1 (100.0%); PF08323:Starch synthase catalytic domain (100.0%)
1648 1 1 2 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (75.0%); PF04670:Gtr1/RagA G protein conserved region (75.0%)
1649 2 2 1 PF00795:Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase (100.0%)
1650 1 1 1
1651 1 1 1 PF03810:Importin-beta N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08389:Exportin 1-like protein (100.0%); PF08767:CRM1 C terminal (100.0%); PF18777:Chromosome region maintenance or exportin repeat (100.0%); PF18784:CRM1 / Exportin repeat 2 (100.0%); PF18787:CRM1 / Exportin repeat 3 (100.0%)
1652 1 1 1 PF01979:Amidohydrolase family (33.3%)
1653 2 1 1
1654 2 2 1 PF00168:C2 domain (100.0%)
1655 1 1 1 PF00850:Histone deacetylase domain (100.0%)
1656 1 1 1
1657 1 1 1 PF01909:Nucleotidyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF04926:Poly(A) polymerase predicted RNA binding domain (100.0%); PF04928:Poly(A) polymerase central domain (100.0%)
1658 1 1 1 PF00171:Aldehyde dehydrogenase family (100.0%)
1659 2 2 0 PF00657:GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase (100.0%)
1660 1 1 1 PF00378:Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase (100.0%); PF16113:Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase (100.0%)
1661 1 1 3 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%)
1662 1 1 2 PF09409:PUB domain (100.0%)
1663 1 1 1 PF03798:TLC domain (100.0%); PF08390:TRAM1-like protein (100.0%)
1664 1 1 2 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1665 1 1 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1666 2 2 1 PF00933:Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 N terminal domain (100.0%); PF01915:Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF14310:Fibronectin type III-like domain (20.0%)
1667 1 1 1 PF05158:RNA polymerase Rpc34 subunit (100.0%)
1668 1 1 1 PF06333:Mediator complex subunit 13 C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF11597:Mediator complex subunit 13 N-terminal (100.0%)
1669 1 1 1
1670 3 3 0 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (66.7%)
1671 1 1 1 PF10419:TFIIIC subunit triple barrel domain (100.0%)
1672 1 1 1 PF07350:Protein of unknown function (DUF1479) (100.0%)
1673 1 1 2
1674 1 1 1 PF01222:Ergosterol biosynthesis ERG4/ERG24 family (100.0%); PF06966:Protein of unknown function (DUF1295) (66.7%)
1675 1 1 1 PF01323:DSBA-like thioredoxin domain (100.0%); PF13462:Thioredoxin (33.3%)
1676 1 1 1 PF07967:C3HC zinc finger-like (100.0%); PF08600:Rsm1-like (100.0%)
1677 1 1 2 PF19086:Terpene synthase family 2, C-terminal metal binding (100.0%)
1678 1 1 1
1679 1 1 1 PF02696:Protein adenylyltransferase SelO (100.0%)
1680 1 1 1 PF11901:Protein of unknown function (DUF3421) (100.0%)
1681 1 1 0 PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%); PF04548:AIG1 family (100.0%)
1682 1 1 2 PF01435:Peptidase family M48 (100.0%)
1683 1 1 1 PF10313:Uncharacterised protein domain (DUF2415) (33.3%)
1684 1 1 1 PF08550:Fungal protein of unknown function (DUF1752) (100.0%); PF11702:Protein of unknown function (DUF3295) (66.7%)
1685 1 1 3 PF00383:Cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding region (100.0%); PF08211:Cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding region (60.0%)
1686 1 1 0 PF01738:Dienelactone hydrolase family (100.0%)
1687 1 1 1 PF00443:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (100.0%); PF13423:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (100.0%)
1688 1 1 1 PF12752:SUZ domain (100.0%)
1689 1 1 1
1690 2 2 1 PF03647:Transmembrane proteins 14C (100.0%)
1691 1 1 1
1692 1 1 1 PF14474:RTC4-like domain (100.0%)
1693 1 1 1
1694 2 2 0 PF14441:OTT_1508-like deaminase (50.0%)
1695 1 1 1 PF09471:IgA Peptidase M64 (100.0%)
1696 1 1 1
1697 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (100.0%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (100.0%); PF17123:RING-like zinc finger (100.0%); PF02225:PA domain (33.3%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%)
1698 1 1 1
1699 1 1 1 PF00205:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, central domain (100.0%); PF02775:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, C-terminal TPP binding domain (100.0%); PF02776:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, N-terminal TPP binding domain (100.0%)
1700 2 2 1 PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (100.0%)
1701 2 2 1 PF01138:3' exoribonuclease family, domain 1 (80.0%)
1702 3 2 4 PF01042:Endoribonuclease L-PSP (88.9%)
1703 1 1 1 PF00225:Kinesin motor domain (100.0%); PF16796:Microtubule binding (100.0%)
1704 1 1 1 PF00850:Histone deacetylase domain (100.0%)
1705 1 1 1
1706 1 1 1 PF00651:BTB/POZ domain (100.0%); PF01302:CAP-Gly domain (33.3%)
1707 4 1 1 PF20262:Protein UNC80 C-terminal region (50.0%)
1708 1 1 1 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
1709 1 1 1 PF00639:PPIC-type PPIASE domain (100.0%); PF13616:PPIC-type PPIASE domain (100.0%)
1710 2 2 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (20.0%)
1711 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%); PF13865:C-terminal duplication domain of Friend of PRMT1 (66.7%)
1712 1 1 1 PF01480:PWI domain (100.0%)
1713 1 1 2 PF00122:E1-E2 ATPase (100.0%); PF00690:Cation transporter/ATPase, N-terminus (100.0%); PF00702:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%)
1714 1 1 1 PF03036:Perilipin family (33.3%)
1715 1 1 1 PF02330:Mitochondrial glycoprotein (100.0%)
1716 1 1 1 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%)
1717 1 1 0 PF00428:60s Acidic ribosomal protein (100.0%)
1718 1 1 2 PF01398:JAB1/Mov34/MPN/PAD-1 ubiquitin protease (100.0%); PF14464:Prokaryotic homologs of the JAB domain (50.0%)
1719 2 2 1 PF18564:Glycoside hydrolase family 5 C-terminal domain (60.0%); PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (20.0%)
1720 1 1 1 PF01000:RNA polymerase Rpb3/RpoA insert domain (100.0%); PF01193:RNA polymerase Rpb3/Rpb11 dimerisation domain (100.0%)
1721 1 1 1 PF01207:Dihydrouridine synthase (Dus) (100.0%); PF00443:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (66.7%); PF00833:Ribosomal S17 (33.3%); PF18044:CCCH-type zinc finger (33.3%)
1722 1 1 1 PF01507:Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase family (100.0%)
1723 1 1 1 PF05603:Protein of unknown function (DUF775) (100.0%)
1724 3 3 0 PF04193:PQ loop repeat (50.0%)
1725 2 1 1 PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (50.0%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (50.0%)
1726 3 1 0 PF03184:DDE superfamily endonuclease (75.0%)
1727 1 0 0
1728 1 1 1 PF09807:Elongation complex protein 6 (66.7%)
1729 3 1 1 PF02732:ERCC4 domain (60.0%)
1730 1 4 1
1731 1 0 2 PF13532:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (33.3%)
1732 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (33.3%)
1733 3 2 0 PF20149:Domain of unknown function (DUF6532) (80.0%)
1734 1 5 1 PF18759:Plavaka transposase (85.7%)
1735 1 1 0 PF07971:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 (100.0%); PF17678:Glycosyl hydrolase family 92 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1736 1 1 1 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (33.3%)
1737 1 1 2 PF01218:Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (100.0%)
1738 1 0 0 PF18758:Kyakuja-Dileera-Zisupton transposase (100.0%); PF18803:CxC2 like cysteine cluster associated with KDZ transposases (100.0%)
1739 10 5 0 PF05729:NACHT domain (80.0%)
1740 1 1 1 PF13344:Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%); PF00702:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (66.7%); PF13242:HAD-hyrolase-like (66.7%)
1741 1 1 1 PF01652:Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (100.0%)
1742 1 1 1 PF00696:Amino acid kinase family (100.0%)
1743 1 1 1 PF03061:Thioesterase superfamily (100.0%)
1744 1 1 1
1745 1 0 1
1746 1 1 1 PF00205:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, central domain (100.0%); PF02775:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, C-terminal TPP binding domain (100.0%); PF02776:Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, N-terminal TPP binding domain (100.0%)
1747 1 1 1 PF00125:Core histone H2A/H2B/H3/H4 (100.0%); PF16211:C-terminus of histone H2A (100.0%)
1748 0 1 2 PF00348:Polyprenyl synthetase (100.0%)
1751 0 0 3 PF03171:2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (100.0%); PF14226:non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal (100.0%)
1752 0 0 3 PF00583:Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family (33.3%)
1753 0 0 1 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%)
1756 0 0 2
1763 0 0 2 PF00128:Alpha amylase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF09260:Alpha-amylase, domain C (50.0%)
1766 0 0 5 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (80.0%)
1770 0 0 2 PF01593:Flavin containing amine oxidoreductase (100.0%)
1772 0 0 5 PF08513:LisH (40.0%)
1773 0 0 4 PF02668:Taurine catabolism dioxygenase TauD, TfdA family (100.0%)
1774 0 0 2 PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (50.0%)
1777 0 0 3 PF01593:Flavin containing amine oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (100.0%)
1785 0 0 1 PF00394:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%); PF07731:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%); PF07732:Multicopper oxidase (100.0%)
1787 0 0 1 PF14388:Domain of unknown function (DUF4419) (100.0%)
1788 0 0 5
1789 0 0 1 PF00201:UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase (100.0%)
1791 0 0 3
1794 0 0 14 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (50.0%); PF16622:zinc-finger C2H2-type (21.4%); PF12874:Zinc-finger of C2H2 type (14.3%)
1796 0 0 15
1797 0 0 15
1798 0 0 15
1799 0 0 15 PF20151:Family of unknown function (DUF6533) (53.3%)
1800 0 0 15 PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (66.7%)
1808 1 1 0
1809 1 1 1 PF01676:Metalloenzyme superfamily (100.0%); PF06415:BPG-independent PGAM N-terminus (iPGM_N) (100.0%); PF00884:Sulfatase (66.7%); PF01663:Type I phosphodiesterase / nucleotide pyrophosphatase (66.7%)
1810 8 6 0 PF20153:Family of unknown function (DUF6535) (92.9%)
1811 2 2 1 PF00962:Adenosine deaminase (100.0%); PF19326:AMP deaminase (100.0%)
1812 1 1 1 PF04615:Utp14 protein (100.0%)
1813 1 1 1 PF00462:Glutaredoxin (100.0%)
1814 1 1 1 PF00378:Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase (100.0%); PF16113:Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase (100.0%)
1815 1 1 1 PF00294:pfkB family carbohydrate kinase (100.0%)
1816 1 1 1 PF01042:Endoribonuclease L-PSP (100.0%)
1817 1 1 1 PF00459:Inositol monophosphatase family (100.0%)
1818 1 1 1 PF13202:EF hand (100.0%); PF13499:EF-hand domain pair (33.3%)
1819 1 1 1 PF00289:Biotin carboxylase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00364:Biotin-requiring enzyme (100.0%); PF02785:Biotin carboxylase C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02786:Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase L chain, ATP binding domain (100.0%); PF07478:D-ala D-ala ligase C-terminus (100.0%); PF13533:Biotin-lipoyl like (66.7%); PF02222:ATP-grasp domain (33.3%)
1820 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%); PF11496:Class II histone deacetylase complex subunits 2 and 3 (100.0%)
1821 1 2 0 PF00046:Homeodomain (100.0%); PF05920:Homeobox KN domain (100.0%)
1822 2 2 1 PF00117:Glutamine amidotransferase class-I (100.0%); PF00425:chorismate binding enzyme (100.0%); PF04715:Anthranilate synthase component I, N terminal region (100.0%); PF07722:Peptidase C26 (20.0%)
1823 1 1 1 PF00445:Ribonuclease T2 family (100.0%)
1824 1 1 1 PF03398:Regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway (100.0%)
1825 1 1 2 PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (100.0%)
1826 1 1 1
1827 1 1 1
1828 1 1 1 PF00152:tRNA synthetases class II (D, K and N) (100.0%); PF01336:OB-fold nucleic acid binding domain (100.0%)
1829 1 1 1 PF08689:Mediator complex subunit Med5 (33.3%)
1830 1 1 1 PF01545:Cation efflux family (100.0%)
1831 1 1 1
1832 2 2 1 PF00134:Cyclin, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02984:Cyclin, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1833 1 1 0 PF01490:Transmembrane amino acid transporter protein (100.0%)
1834 2 2 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%); PF04670:Gtr1/RagA G protein conserved region (60.0%)
1835 1 1 1 PF01379:Porphobilinogen deaminase, dipyromethane cofactor binding domain (100.0%); PF03900:Porphobilinogen deaminase, C-terminal domain (33.3%)
1836 1 1 1 PF01593:Flavin containing amine oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF07156:Prenylcysteine lyase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (100.0%); PF01266:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (33.3%)
1837 1 1 1 PF04182:B-block binding subunit of TFIIIC (100.0%); PF20222:Family of unknown function (DUF6581) (100.0%)
1838 1 1 1 PF00168:C2 domain (100.0%)
1839 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF01636:Phosphotransferase enzyme family (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1840 1 1 1 PF07742:BTG family (100.0%)
1841 1 2 1 PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%)
1842 1 1 1 PF01212:Beta-eliminating lyase (100.0%)
1843 1 1 1 PF00581:Rhodanese-like domain (100.0%)
1844 1 1 1 PF00515:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF07719:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13174:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%); PF13432:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%)
1845 1 1 2 PF00170:bZIP transcription factor (75.0%); PF07716:Basic region leucine zipper (50.0%); PF08601:Transcription factor PAP1 (50.0%)
1846 1 1 1 PF02545:Maf-like protein (100.0%)
1847 1 1 1 PF00551:Formyl transferase (100.0%)
1848 1 1 1 PF00535:Glycosyl transferase family 2 (100.0%); PF13641:Glycosyltransferase like family 2 (100.0%)
1849 2 2 1 PF07544:RNA polymerase II transcription mediator complex subunit 9 (20.0%)
1850 1 1 1
1851 2 2 1 PF13668:Ferritin-like domain (100.0%)
1852 1 1 1 PF01248:Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family (100.0%)
1853 1 1 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
1854 1 1 1
1855 1 1 1 PF03081:Exo70 exocyst complex subunit (100.0%)
1856 1 1 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF06472:ABC transporter transmembrane region 2 (100.0%)
1857 1 1 1 PF09295:ChAPs (Chs5p-Arf1p-binding proteins) (100.0%); PF14559:Tetratricopeptide repeat (66.7%)
1858 1 1 1 PF04511:Der1-like family (100.0%)
1859 1 1 1 PF04084:Origin recognition complex subunit 2 (100.0%)
1860 1 1 2
1861 1 1 1 PF00534:Glycosyl transferases group 1 (100.0%); PF08288:PIGA (GPI anchor biosynthesis) (100.0%); PF13439:Glycosyltransferase Family 4 (100.0%); PF13579:Glycosyl transferase 4-like domain (100.0%); PF13692:Glycosyl transferases group 1 (100.0%)
1862 2 2 1 PF01424:R3H domain (60.0%); PF01422:NF-X1 type zinc finger (20.0%)
1863 3 3 2
1864 1 1 1 PF09753:Membrane fusion protein Use1 (100.0%); PF00645:Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and DNA-Ligase Zn-finger region (66.7%); PF02627:Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase family (66.7%)
1865 1 1 1 PF14027:Questin oxidase-like (100.0%)
1866 1 1 0 PF01679:Proteolipid membrane potential modulator (100.0%)
1867 1 1 1 PF01073:3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase family (100.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (100.0%); PF07993:Male sterility protein (100.0%); PF02719:Polysaccharide biosynthesis protein (66.7%); PF08659:KR domain (33.3%); PF16363:GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase (33.3%)
1868 2 2 1 PF00670:S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, NAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02826:D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (100.0%); PF05221:S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (100.0%)
1869 1 1 1 PF02265:S1/P1 Nuclease (100.0%)
1870 1 1 1 PF17781:RPN1 N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF18051:26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit RPN1 C-terminal (100.0%); PF01851:Proteasome/cyclosome repeat (33.3%)
1871 1 1 1
1872 1 1 1 PF00133:tRNA synthetases class I (I, L, M and V) (100.0%); PF08264:Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA ligase (100.0%); PF09334:tRNA synthetases class I (M) (100.0%)
1873 1 1 0 PF01263:Aldose 1-epimerase (100.0%)
1874 1 1 0
1875 2 2 1 PF12271:Chitin synthase export chaperone (100.0%)
1876 1 1 1 PF08101:Meiotically up-regulated protein Msb1/Mug8 domain (100.0%)
1877 1 1 2
1878 2 2 1 PF05719:Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GPP34) (100.0%)
1879 1 1 1
1880 1 1 1 PF01595:Cyclin M transmembrane N-terminal domain (100.0%)
1881 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%); PF11496:Class II histone deacetylase complex subunits 2 and 3 (33.3%)
1882 1 1 1 PF01504:Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-Kinase (100.0%)
1883 1 1 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
1884 1 1 1 PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%)
1885 1 1 1 PF03029:Conserved hypothetical ATP binding protein (100.0%)
1886 1 1 1 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%)
1887 1 1 1 PF05916:GINS complex protein (100.0%); PF16922:DNA replication complex GINS protein SLD5 C-terminus (100.0%)
1888 2 2 1 PF11274:Protein of unknown function (DUF3074) (100.0%)
1889 1 1 1 PF03114:BAR domain (100.0%); PF10455:Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs domain for vesicular trafficking (100.0%)
1890 1 1 1 PF00789:UBX domain (100.0%); PF08059:SEP domain (100.0%)
1891 1 2 2 PF02535:ZIP Zinc transporter (80.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (20.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (20.0%)
1892 1 1 1
1893 1 1 1 PF01435:Peptidase family M48 (100.0%)
1894 1 2 0 PF01565:FAD binding domain (66.7%)
1895 1 1 2 PF08573:DNA endonuclease activator SAE2/CtIP C-terminus (100.0%)
1896 2 2 0
1897 1 1 1
1898 1 1 1 PF04614:Pex19 protein family (100.0%)
1899 1 1 1 PF02678:Pirin (100.0%)
1900 1 1 1 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (100.0%); PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%)
1901 1 1 1
1902 1 1 1
1903 1 1 1 PF00063:Myosin head (motor domain) (66.7%); PF02736:Myosin N-terminal SH3-like domain (66.7%)
1904 1 1 1 PF02538:Hydantoinase B/oxoprolinase (100.0%)
1905 1 1 0
1906 1 1 1 PF02469:Fasciclin domain (100.0%)
1907 1 1 1 PF00956:Nucleosome assembly protein (NAP) (100.0%)
1908 2 2 1 PF00465:Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13685:Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase (100.0%)
1909 1 1 1 PF03416:Peptidase family C54 (100.0%)
1910 2 2 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF17667:Fungal protein kinase (100.0%)
1911 1 1 1 PF10334:Aromatic acid exporter family member 2 (100.0%); PF10337:Putative ER transporter, 6TM, N-terminal (100.0%); PF13515:Fusaric acid resistance protein-like (100.0%)
1912 2 2 0
1913 1 1 1 PF02212:Dynamin GTPase effector domain (33.3%)
1914 2 2 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (40.0%)
1915 3 3 0
1916 1 1 1 PF17389:Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase 6 hairpin glycosidase domain (100.0%); PF01204:Trehalase (66.7%); PF17390:Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase C-terminal domain (33.3%)
1917 1 1 1 PF00999:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family (100.0%)
1918 1 1 1 PF02096:60Kd inner membrane protein (100.0%)
1919 2 2 1
1920 1 1 1
1921 1 1 1 PF12859:Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 1 WD40 beta-propeller domain (66.7%); PF18122:Anaphase-promoting complex sub unit 1 C-terminal domain (33.3%)
1922 2 1 1 PF01722:BolA-like protein (75.0%)
1923 1 1 1 PF08389:Exportin 1-like protein (100.0%); PF18773:Importin 13 repeat (100.0%); PF18806:Importin 13 repeat (100.0%)
1924 1 1 1 PF00043:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00647:Elongation factor 1 gamma, conserved domain (100.0%); PF02798:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13410:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13417:Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF14497:Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1925 1 1 1 PF12430:Abscisic acid G-protein coupled receptor (100.0%); PF12537:The Golgi pH Regulator (GPHR) Family N-terminal (100.0%)
1926 1 1 0 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (100.0%)
1927 1 1 1 PF04117:Mpv17 / PMP22 family (100.0%)
1928 1 1 1 PF05557:Mitotic checkpoint protein (100.0%)
1929 2 2 0 PF00082:Subtilase family (100.0%); PF06280:Fn3-like domain (100.0%); PF02225:PA domain (50.0%)
1930 1 1 1 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%); PF13401:AAA domain (100.0%); PF13191:AAA ATPase domain (33.3%)
1931 1 1 1 PF00702:haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%); PF13419:Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (100.0%)
1932 1 1 1 PF00282:Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase conserved domain (100.0%)
1933 1 1 2 PF08518:Spa2 homology domain (SHD) of GIT (75.0%); PF12205:G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 1 C term (75.0%); PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (50.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (50.0%)
1934 1 1 1 PF08638:Mediator complex subunit MED14 (100.0%)
1935 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF00169:PH domain (66.7%); PF14531:Kinase-like (33.3%)
1936 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (33.3%)
1937 1 1 1 PF04824:Conserved region of Rad21 / Rec8 like protein (100.0%); PF04825:N terminus of Rad21 / Rec8 like protein (100.0%)
1938 1 1 2 PF00999:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family (100.0%)
1939 1 1 0
1940 1 1 1 PF00850:Histone deacetylase domain (100.0%); PF09757:Arb2 domain (100.0%)
1941 1 1 1 PF00465:Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13685:Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase (100.0%)
1942 1 1 1 PF01869:BadF/BadG/BcrA/BcrD ATPase family (66.7%)
1943 2 2 1
1944 1 1 2
1945 1 1 2 PF00293:NUDIX domain (100.0%); PF09296:NADH pyrophosphatase-like rudimentary NUDIX domain (100.0%)
1946 1 1 1 PF00856:SET domain (66.7%)
1947 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
1948 2 2 1 PF12937:F-box-like (60.0%)
1949 1 1 1 PF03169:OPT oligopeptide transporter protein (100.0%)
1950 1 1 1 PF01593:Flavin containing amine oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (100.0%)
1951 1 1 1
1952 1 1 1 PF00027:Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (100.0%); PF00916:Sulfate permease family (100.0%); PF01740:STAS domain (100.0%)
1953 1 1 1 PF01399:PCI domain (100.0%); PF18055:26S proteasome regulatory subunit RPN6 N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF18503:26S proteasome subunit RPN6 C-terminal helix domain (100.0%)
1954 1 1 1 PF01557:Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase family (100.0%)
1955 1 1 0 PF00734:Fungal cellulose binding domain (100.0%); PF01341:Glycosyl hydrolases family 6 (100.0%)
1956 1 1 1 PF03031:NLI interacting factor-like phosphatase (100.0%); PF00240:Ubiquitin family (33.3%)
1957 1 1 1 PF00293:NUDIX domain (100.0%)
1958 1 1 1 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%)
1959 1 1 1 PF18115:DNA repair protein Crb2 Tudor domain (100.0%); PF09038:Tumour suppressor p53-binding protein-1 Tudor (66.7%); PF15057:Domain of unknown function (DUF4537) (33.3%)
1960 1 1 1 PF08784:Replication protein A C terminal (100.0%); PF01336:OB-fold nucleic acid binding domain (33.3%)
1961 2 2 1
1962 1 1 1 PF00890:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02910:Fumarate reductase flavoprotein C-term (100.0%)
1963 1 1 1 PF01494:FAD binding domain (100.0%)
1964 1 1 1 PF00929:Exonuclease (100.0%); PF13423:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (100.0%); PF00443:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (33.3%)
1965 2 2 1 PF02900:Catalytic LigB subunit of aromatic ring-opening dioxygenase (100.0%)
1966 1 1 1 PF02872:5'-nucleotidase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00149:Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase (66.7%)
1967 1 1 2 PF03188:Eukaryotic cytochrome b561 (100.0%)
1968 1 1 1 PF08645:Polynucleotide kinase 3 phosphatase (100.0%); PF13671:AAA domain (100.0%)
1969 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF16124:RecQ zinc-binding (100.0%); PF09382:RQC domain (66.7%)
1970 1 1 1 PF10373:Est1 DNA/RNA binding domain (100.0%); PF13638:PIN domain (100.0%)
1971 1 1 1
1972 1 1 1 PF06417:Protein of unknown function (DUF1077) (100.0%)
1973 2 2 2 PF00199:Catalase (100.0%); PF01965:DJ-1/PfpI family (100.0%); PF06628:Catalase-related immune-responsive (100.0%); PF18011:C-terminal domain found in long catalases (100.0%)
1974 2 1 1 PF13517:FG-GAP-like repeat (75.0%)
1975 1 1 1 PF01496:V-type ATPase 116kDa subunit family (100.0%)
1976 1 1 1 PF00005:ABC transporter (100.0%); PF13304:AAA domain, putative AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (100.0%)
1977 1 1 1 PF20415:Family of unknown function (DUF6699) (100.0%)
1978 1 1 1 PF00328:Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 2) (100.0%)
1979 1 1 1 PF10198:Histone acetyltransferases subunit 3 (100.0%)
1980 1 1 1 PF07855:Autophagy-related protein 101 (100.0%)
1981 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (33.3%)
1982 3 3 0 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
1983 1 1 0
1984 1 1 1 PF15456:Up-regulated During Septation (100.0%)
1985 1 1 1 PF00999:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family (100.0%)
1986 1 1 1 PF00533:BRCA1 C Terminus (BRCT) domain (100.0%); PF08519:Replication factor RFC1 C terminal domain (100.0%); PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (66.7%)
1987 1 1 1 PF02463:RecF/RecN/SMC N terminal domain (100.0%); PF06470:SMC proteins Flexible Hinge Domain (100.0%); PF13304:AAA domain, putative AbiEii toxin, Type IV TA system (100.0%); PF13555:P-loop containing region of AAA domain (100.0%); PF13175:AAA ATPase domain (33.3%)
1988 1 1 1 PF00479:Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02781:Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1989 1 1 1
1990 1 1 1 PF00330:Aconitase family (aconitate hydratase) (100.0%); PF00694:Aconitase C-terminal domain (100.0%)
1991 1 1 1 PF09748:Transcription factor subunit Med10 of Mediator complex (100.0%)
1992 1 1 1 PF01644:Chitin synthase (100.0%); PF03142:Chitin synthase (100.0%); PF08407:Chitin synthase N-terminal (100.0%); PF13632:Glycosyl transferase family group 2 (66.7%)
1993 1 1 1 PF01965:DJ-1/PfpI family (100.0%)
1994 1 1 1 PF02935:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIc (100.0%)
1995 2 2 1 PF01808:AICARFT/IMPCHase bienzyme (100.0%); PF02142:MGS-like domain (100.0%)
1996 1 1 0 PF00578:AhpC/TSA family (100.0%); PF08534:Redoxin (100.0%); PF10417:C-terminal domain of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin (100.0%)
1997 1 1 0 PF01699:Sodium/calcium exchanger protein (100.0%)
1998 1 1 1 PF06999:Sucrase/ferredoxin-like (100.0%)
1999 1 1 1 PF00294:pfkB family carbohydrate kinase (100.0%)
2000 1 1 1 PF00441:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02770:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, middle domain (100.0%); PF02771:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08028:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
2001 1 1 1
2002 1 1 1 PF00534:Glycosyl transferases group 1 (100.0%); PF13692:Glycosyl transferases group 1 (100.0%); PF15924:ALG11 mannosyltransferase N-terminus (100.0%); PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (66.7%); PF00441:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (66.7%); PF02770:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, middle domain (66.7%); PF02771:Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, N-terminal domain (66.7%)
2003 1 1 1 PF04622:ERG2 and Sigma1 receptor like protein (100.0%)
2004 1 1 1 PF01048:Phosphorylase superfamily (100.0%)
2005 1 1 1 PF06813:Nodulin-like (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
2006 1 1 0 PF00544:Pectate lyase (100.0%)
2007 1 1 2 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
2008 2 2 0
2009 1 1 0 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%)
2010 1 2 1 PF10032:Phosphate transport (Pho88) (100.0%)
2011 1 1 1 PF00202:Aminotransferase class-III (100.0%)
2012 2 2 1 PF00166:Chaperonin 10 Kd subunit (100.0%)
2013 1 1 1 PF02735:Ku70/Ku80 beta-barrel domain (100.0%); PF03730:Ku70/Ku80 C-terminal arm (100.0%); PF03731:Ku70/Ku80 N-terminal alpha/beta domain (100.0%); PF02037:SAP domain (33.3%)
2014 1 1 1 PF05705:Eukaryotic protein of unknown function (DUF829) (100.0%)
2015 1 1 0 PF00135:Carboxylesterase family (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF20434:BD-FAE (100.0%)
2016 1 1 1 PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (100.0%); PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (100.0%); PF13606:Ankyrin repeat (100.0%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (100.0%); PF13857:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (66.7%)
2017 1 1 1
2018 1 1 1 PF00449:Urease alpha-subunit, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00547:Urease, gamma subunit (100.0%); PF00699:Urease beta subunit (100.0%); PF01979:Amidohydrolase family (100.0%)
2019 1 1 1 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
2020 1 1 2 PF00887:Acyl CoA binding protein (100.0%)
2021 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (100.0%)
2022 1 1 1 PF04116:Fatty acid hydroxylase (100.0%)
2023 1 1 1 PF01602:Adaptin N terminal region (100.0%); PF12717:non-SMC mitotic condensation complex subunit 1 (100.0%)
2024 1 1 1 PF03517:Regulator of volume decrease after cellular swelling (100.0%)
2025 1 1 1 PF00293:NUDIX domain (100.0%)
2026 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
2027 1 1 1 PF01214:Casein kinase II regulatory subunit (100.0%)
2028 1 1 0 PF00230:Major intrinsic protein (100.0%)
2029 1 1 2
2030 1 1 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
2031 2 2 1 PF10288:Cytoplasmic tRNA 2-thiolation protein 2 (100.0%)
2032 1 1 1 PF07738:Sad1 / UNC-like C-terminal (100.0%)
2033 1 1 1 PF00252:Ribosomal protein L16p/L10e (100.0%)
2034 1 1 1 PF00128:Alpha amylase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
2035 2 2 1 PF00650:CRAL/TRIO domain (100.0%); PF03765:CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2036 1 1 1 PF03901:Alg9-like mannosyltransferase family (100.0%)
2037 1 1 2
2038 1 1 1 PF00782:Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
2039 1 1 1 PF00168:C2 domain (100.0%); PF02666:Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (100.0%)
2040 2 2 0 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (50.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (50.0%); PF02889:Sec63 Brl domain (50.0%); PF04851:Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (50.0%); PF18149:N-terminal helicase PWI domain (50.0%)
2041 1 1 1 PF15901:Sortilin, neurotensin receptor 3, C-terminal (100.0%); PF15902:Sortilin, neurotensin receptor 3, (100.0%)
2042 1 1 1 PF03982:Diacylglycerol acyltransferase (100.0%)
2043 1 1 1 PF00447:HSF-type DNA-binding (100.0%)
2044 1 1 1 PF00150:Cellulase (glycosyl hydrolase family 5) (100.0%)
2045 1 1 1 PF11559:Afadin- and alpha -actinin-Binding (100.0%)
2046 1 1 2 PF01266:FAD dependent oxidoreductase (25.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (25.0%)
2047 1 1 1 PF07808:RED-like protein N-terminal region (100.0%)
2048 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF00786:P21-Rho-binding domain (66.7%)
2049 1 1 1 PF08580:Yeast cortical protein KAR9 (100.0%)
2050 1 1 1 PF01222:Ergosterol biosynthesis ERG4/ERG24 family (100.0%); PF06966:Protein of unknown function (DUF1295) (33.3%)
2051 1 1 1 PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%); PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (66.7%)
2052 1 1 1 PF03810:Importin-beta N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13513:HEAT-like repeat (33.3%)
2053 1 1 1 PF00432:Prenyltransferase and squalene oxidase repeat (100.0%); PF13243:Squalene-hopene cyclase C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13249:Squalene-hopene cyclase N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2054 1 1 1 PF00266:Aminotransferase class-V (100.0%)
2055 1 1 1 PF12906:RING-variant domain (66.7%)
2056 1 1 0 PF00082:Subtilase family (100.0%); PF09286:Pro-kumamolisin, activation domain (100.0%)
2057 1 1 1
2058 1 1 1 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%); PF14543:Xylanase inhibitor N-terminal (66.7%)
2059 1 1 1
2060 3 3 0 PF07885:Ion channel (100.0%)
2061 1 1 1 PF01512:Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase 51 Kd subunit (100.0%); PF10531:SLBB domain (100.0%); PF10589:NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-F iron-sulfur binding region (100.0%)
2062 2 2 1 PF00450:Serine carboxypeptidase (100.0%)
2063 1 1 1 PF11221:Subunit 21 of Mediator complex (100.0%)
2064 1 1 1 PF00107:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF08240:Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain (100.0%); PF13602:Zinc-binding dehydrogenase (100.0%)
2065 1 1 1
2066 1 1 3 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (60.0%)
2067 1 1 1 PF06424:PRP1 splicing factor, N-terminal (100.0%); PF13432:Tetratricopeptide repeat (100.0%)
2068 1 1 1 PF00317:Ribonucleotide reductase, all-alpha domain (100.0%); PF02867:Ribonucleotide reductase, barrel domain (100.0%); PF03477:ATP cone domain (100.0%)
2069 1 1 1 PF12239:Protein of unknown function (DUF3605) (100.0%)
2070 1 1 1 PF02441:Flavoprotein (100.0%)
2071 1 1 1 PF00488:MutS domain V (100.0%); PF05192:MutS domain III (100.0%); PF05190:MutS family domain IV (66.7%)
2072 1 1 1 PF03061:Thioesterase superfamily (100.0%)
2073 1 1 1 PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (100.0%); PF12697:Alpha/beta hydrolase family (100.0%); PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (33.3%); PF20434:BD-FAE (33.3%)
2074 1 1 2 PF07200:Modifier of rudimentary (Mod(r)) protein (100.0%)
2075 1 1 2 PF01627:Hpt domain (75.0%)
2076 2 2 0 PF04616:Glycosyl hydrolases family 43 (100.0%)
2077 1 1 1 PF17979:Cysteine rich domain with multizinc binding regions (100.0%); PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (33.3%); PF13923:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (33.3%)
2078 1 1 1 PF01243:Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (100.0%); PF10590:Pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase C-terminal dimerisation region (100.0%)
2079 1 1 1 PF00172:Fungal Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain (100.0%); PF04082:Fungal specific transcription factor domain (100.0%)
2080 1 1 0 PF08082:PRO8NT (NUC069), PrP8 N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08083:PROCN (NUC071) domain (100.0%); PF08084:PROCT (NUC072) domain (100.0%); PF10596:U6-snRNA interacting domain of PrP8 (100.0%); PF10597:U5-snRNA binding site 2 of PrP8 (100.0%); PF10598:RNA recognition motif of the spliceosomal PrP8 (100.0%); PF12134:PRP8 domain IV core (100.0%)
2081 1 1 1 PF03221:Tc5 transposase DNA-binding domain (100.0%); PF04218:CENP-B N-terminal DNA-binding domain (66.7%)
2082 1 1 1 PF01786:Alternative oxidase (100.0%)
2083 1 1 1 PF01432:Peptidase family M3 (100.0%)
2084 1 1 1 PF03060:Nitronate monooxygenase (100.0%); PF00478:IMP dehydrogenase / GMP reductase domain (66.7%)
2085 1 1 1 PF01336:OB-fold nucleic acid binding domain (100.0%); PF04057:Replication factor-A protein 1, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08646:Replication factor-A C terminal domain (100.0%); PF16900:Replication protein A OB domain (100.0%)
2086 1 1 1 PF03199:Eukaryotic glutathione synthase (100.0%); PF03917:Eukaryotic glutathione synthase, ATP binding domain (100.0%)
2087 1 1 1 PF07738:Sad1 / UNC-like C-terminal (100.0%)
2088 1 1 0
2089 1 1 1
2090 1 1 1
2091 2 2 1 PF00324:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF13520:Amino acid permease (100.0%); PF00483:Nucleotidyl transferase (20.0%)
2092 1 1 1 PF05742:Transport and Golgi organisation 2 (100.0%)
2093 1 1 0 PF01243:Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (50.0%)
2094 1 1 1 PF00626:Gelsolin repeat (100.0%); PF04810:Sec23/Sec24 zinc finger (100.0%); PF04811:Sec23/Sec24 trunk domain (100.0%); PF04815:Sec23/Sec24 helical domain (100.0%); PF08033:Sec23/Sec24 beta-sandwich domain (100.0%)
2095 1 1 1 PF00782:Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF00102:Protein-tyrosine phosphatase (33.3%)
2096 1 1 1 PF00752:XPG N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00867:XPG I-region (100.0%); PF12813:XPG domain containing (100.0%)
2097 1 1 1 PF04136:Sec34-like family (100.0%)
2098 1 1 1 PF00067:Cytochrome P450 (100.0%)
2099 1 1 1 PF00752:XPG N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF00867:XPG I-region (66.7%)
2100 1 1 1 PF07745:Glycosyl hydrolase family 53 (100.0%)
2101 1 1 3 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
2102 1 1 1 PF03124:EXS family (100.0%); PF03105:SPX domain (66.7%)
2103 1 1 1 PF13419:Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (33.3%)
2104 1 1 1 PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
2105 1 1 1 PF00097:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (66.7%); PF01363:FYVE zinc finger (66.7%); PF13639:Ring finger domain (66.7%); PF13920:Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) (66.7%); PF14447:Prokaryotic RING finger family 4 (66.7%)
2106 1 1 1 PF02714:Calcium-dependent channel, 7TM region, putative phosphate (100.0%); PF12621:Extracellular tail, of 10TM putative phosphate transporter (100.0%); PF13967:Late exocytosis, associated with Golgi transport (100.0%); PF14703:Cytosolic domain of 10TM putative phosphate transporter (100.0%)
2107 1 1 2 PF01670:Glycosyl hydrolase family 12 (100.0%)
2108 1 1 1 PF00248:Aldo/keto reductase family (100.0%)
2109 1 1 1 PF00063:Myosin head (motor domain) (100.0%); PF03142:Chitin synthase (100.0%); PF08766:DEK C terminal domain (100.0%); PF13632:Glycosyl transferase family group 2 (100.0%); PF13641:Glycosyltransferase like family 2 (100.0%); PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (33.3%)
2110 1 1 0
2111 1 1 1 PF01399:PCI domain (100.0%); PF10602:26S proteasome subunit RPN7 (100.0%)
2112 1 1 1 PF00344:SecY (100.0%); PF10559:Plug domain of Sec61p (100.0%)
2113 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF12063:Domain of unknown function (DUF3543) (100.0%)
2114 1 1 0
2115 1 1 1 PF12735:TRAPP trafficking subunit Trs65 (100.0%)
2116 1 1 1
2117 1 1 2 PF00487:Fatty acid desaturase (100.0%); PF11960:Domain of unknown function (DUF3474) (25.0%)
2118 1 1 1 PF01412:Putative GTPase activating protein for Arf (100.0%)
2119 1 1 1
2120 1 1 1 PF03151:Triose-phosphate Transporter family (100.0%); PF00892:EamA-like transporter family (66.7%); PF08449:UAA transporter family (66.7%)
2121 1 1 1 PF03099:Biotin/lipoate A/B protein ligase family (100.0%); PF09825:Biotin-protein ligase, N terminal (100.0%)
2122 1 1 2 PF04855:SNF5 / SMARCB1 / INI1 (75.0%)
2123 1 1 1
2124 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF06479:Ribonuclease 2-5A (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF01011:PQQ enzyme repeat (66.7%)
2125 1 1 1 PF10342:Kre9/KNH-like N-terminal Ig-like domain (100.0%)
2126 1 1 1
2127 14 0 0
2128 3 1 1
2129 1 1 1
2130 1 1 1 PF01658:Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase (100.0%); PF07994:Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase (100.0%)
2131 1 1 4 PF00732:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF05199:GMC oxidoreductase (100.0%); PF13450:NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain (16.7%)
2132 1 1 0
2133 1 1 0 PF02102:Deuterolysin metalloprotease (M35) family (100.0%); PF13933:Putative peptidase family (100.0%); PF14521:Lysine-specific metallo-endopeptidase (100.0%)
2134 1 1 1 PF00383:Cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding region (100.0%); PF14437:MafB19-like deaminase (100.0%)
2135 1 1 1 PF13812:Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (33.3%)
2136 1 1 0 PF03587:EMG1/NEP1 methyltransferase (100.0%)
2137 1 1 1 PF00025:ADP-ribosylation factor family (100.0%); PF00071:Ras family (100.0%); PF08477:Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase (100.0%)
2138 1 1 0
2139 1 1 1 PF04488:Glycosyltransferase sugar-binding region containing DXD motif (100.0%)
2140 1 1 1 PF00011:Hsp20/alpha crystallin family (100.0%); PF17886:HSP20-like domain found in ArsA (100.0%)
2141 1 1 0 PF01063:Amino-transferase class IV (100.0%)
2142 1 1 1 PF07719:Tetratricopeptide repeat (33.3%); PF13181:Tetratricopeptide repeat (33.3%)
2143 1 1 1 PF05254:Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0203) (100.0%)
2144 0 14 0
2145 0 1 0 PF01546:Peptidase family M20/M25/M40 (100.0%); PF04389:Peptidase family M28 (100.0%)
2146 0 0 2 PF01738:Dienelactone hydrolase family (100.0%)
2150 0 0 1 PF01135:Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PCMT) (100.0%); PF01596:O-methyltransferase (100.0%); PF13578:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%)
2151 0 0 1
2155 0 0 1 PF00871:Acetokinase family (100.0%)
2162 0 0 1
2164 0 0 2
2168 0 0 2 PF00378:Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase (100.0%)
2173 0 0 1 PF12585:Protein of unknown function (DUF3759) (100.0%)
2176 0 0 3 PF05729:NACHT domain (100.0%); PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (33.3%)
2178 0 0 2 PF01370:NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family (50.0%); PF05368:NmrA-like family (50.0%); PF13460:NAD(P)H-binding (50.0%)
2183 0 0 2 PF00026:Eukaryotic aspartyl protease (100.0%)
2184 0 0 1 PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%)
2185 0 0 2
2198 0 0 2
2201 0 0 2 PF07519:Tannase and feruloyl esterase (100.0%)
2209 0 0 1
2224 2 2 1 PF00724:NADH:flavin oxidoreductase / NADH oxidase family (100.0%)
2225 1 1 1 PF03370:Carbohydrate/starch-binding module (family 21) (100.0%); PF16760:Starch/carbohydrate-binding module (family 53) (66.7%)
2226 2 2 1 PF00083:Sugar (and other) transporter (100.0%); PF07690:Major Facilitator Superfamily (100.0%); PF06609:Fungal trichothecene efflux pump (TRI12) (60.0%)
2227 1 1 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%); PF13893:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%)
2228 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF08587:Ubiquitin associated domain (UBA) (100.0%); PF16579:Adenylate sensor of SNF1-like protein kinase (100.0%); PF01163:RIO1 family (66.7%); PF14531:Kinase-like (33.3%)
2229 1 1 0
2230 1 1 1 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%)
2231 1 1 1 PF00806:Pumilio-family RNA binding repeat (100.0%)
2232 1 1 1 PF12455:Dynein associated protein (100.0%); PF01302:CAP-Gly domain (66.7%)
2233 1 1 0 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%)
2234 1 1 0 PF05183:RNA dependent RNA polymerase (100.0%)
2235 1 1 1 PF02469:Fasciclin domain (100.0%)
2236 1 1 1 PF02893:GRAM domain (100.0%); PF16016:VAD1 Analog of StAR-related lipid transfer domain (100.0%)
2237 1 1 1 PF00113:Enolase, C-terminal TIM barrel domain (100.0%); PF03952:Enolase, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2238 1 1 1 PF00566:Rab-GTPase-TBC domain (100.0%)
2239 1 1 0 PF12998:Inhibitor of growth proteins N-terminal histone-binding (100.0%)
2240 1 1 1 PF01920:Prefoldin subunit (100.0%)
2241 1 1 1 PF00009:Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (100.0%); PF01926:50S ribosome-binding GTPase (100.0%); PF03144:Elongation factor Tu domain 2 (100.0%); PF03764:Elongation factor G, domain IV (100.0%); PF16004:116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component N-terminus (100.0%); PF00262:Calreticulin family (33.3%); PF00679:Elongation factor G C-terminus (33.3%)
2242 1 1 1 PF00176:SNF2-related domain (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%)
2243 1 1 1 PF12157:Protein of unknown function (DUF3591) (100.0%)
2244 1 1 1 PF02146:Sir2 family (100.0%)
2245 1 2 1 PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (75.0%)
2246 1 2 1 PF01501:Glycosyl transferase family 8 (75.0%)
2247 2 2 1
2248 1 1 1
2249 1 1 1 PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (100.0%); PF13202:EF hand (100.0%); PF13833:EF-hand domain pair (100.0%); PF00036:EF hand (66.7%); PF13405:EF-hand domain (66.7%); PF13499:EF-hand domain pair (66.7%)
2250 1 1 1 PF01529:DHHC palmitoyltransferase (100.0%)
2251 1 1 1 PF00557:Metallopeptidase family M24 (100.0%); PF07859:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (66.7%); PF10340:Steryl acetyl hydrolase (66.7%); PF20434:BD-FAE (66.7%)
2252 1 1 2 PF00443:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (75.0%); PF13446:A repeated domain in UCH-protein (75.0%)
2253 1 1 1 PF03031:NLI interacting factor-like phosphatase (100.0%); PF12738:twin BRCT domain (100.0%); PF00533:BRCA1 C Terminus (BRCT) domain (66.7%)
2254 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
2255 1 1 1 PF00108:Thiolase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02803:Thiolase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
2256 1 1 1
2257 1 1 1 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%)
2258 1 1 1 PF06398:Integral peroxisomal membrane peroxin (100.0%)
2259 1 1 1 PF00108:Thiolase, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02803:Thiolase, C-terminal domain (100.0%)
2260 1 1 1 PF00300:Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 1) (66.7%)
2261 1 1 1 PF08662:Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2A (100.0%); PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (33.3%)
2262 1 1 1 PF01535:PPR repeat (100.0%); PF13812:Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (100.0%); PF13041:PPR repeat family (33.3%); PF17177:Pentacotripeptide-repeat region of PRORP (33.3%)
2263 1 1 2 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%); PF01070:FMN-dependent dehydrogenase (100.0%)
2264 1 1 1 PF01565:FAD binding domain (100.0%); PF02913:FAD linked oxidases, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08914:Rap1 Myb domain (66.7%)
2265 1 1 2 PF00169:PH domain (75.0%); PF15410:Pleckstrin homology domain (75.0%); PF01369:Sec7 domain (50.0%)
2266 1 1 1 PF00175:Oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF00970:Oxidoreductase FAD-binding domain (100.0%); PF08030:Ferric reductase NAD binding domain (33.3%)
2267 1 1 1 PF00782:Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
2268 1 1 1 PF13176:Tetratricopeptide repeat (66.7%)
2269 1 1 1 PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (33.3%)
2270 1 1 1 PF00393:6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF03446:NAD binding domain of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (100.0%)
2271 1 1 1 PF01182:Glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerases/6-phosphogluconolactonase (100.0%)
2272 1 1 1 PF00622:SPRY domain (100.0%); PF10607:CTLH/CRA C-terminal to LisH motif domain (100.0%)
2273 1 1 2
2274 1 1 1 PF10186:Vacuolar sorting 38 and autophagy-related subunit 14 (100.0%)
2275 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF06726:Bladder cancer-related protein BC10 (66.7%)
2276 1 1 1 PF04003:Dip2/Utp12 Family (100.0%); PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (33.3%)
2277 1 1 2 PF00069:Protein kinase domain (100.0%); PF07714:Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase (100.0%); PF03109:ABC1 atypical kinase-like domain (25.0%)
2278 1 1 1 PF00153:Mitochondrial carrier protein (100.0%)
2279 1 1 2 PF02213:GYF domain (75.0%)
2280 1 1 1 PF00620:RhoGAP domain (100.0%); PF00611:Fes/CIP4, and EFC/F-BAR homology domain (66.7%)
2281 2 2 1 PF00076:RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (100.0%); PF00098:Zinc knuckle (100.0%); PF13917:Zinc knuckle (40.0%)
2282 1 1 0 PF00484:Carbonic anhydrase (100.0%)
2283 1 1 1 PF01535:PPR repeat (100.0%); PF13041:PPR repeat family (100.0%); PF13812:Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (100.0%)
2284 1 1 1 PF01019:Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (100.0%)
2285 1 1 1
2286 1 1 1 PF08314:Secretory pathway protein Sec39 (100.0%); PF03657:UPF0113 PUA domain (33.3%)
2287 1 1 1 PF00171:Aldehyde dehydrogenase family (100.0%)
2288 1 1 1 PF09779:Ima1 N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2289 1 1 1 PF00023:Ankyrin repeat (100.0%); PF00887:Acyl CoA binding protein (100.0%); PF12796:Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) (100.0%); PF13606:Ankyrin repeat (100.0%); PF13637:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (100.0%); PF13857:Ankyrin repeats (many copies) (100.0%)
2290 1 1 1 PF00514:Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat (100.0%); PF01749:Importin beta binding domain (100.0%); PF02985:HEAT repeat (100.0%); PF13513:HEAT-like repeat (100.0%); PF16186:Atypical Arm repeat (100.0%)
2291 1 1 2 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (75.0%)
2292 1 1 1 PF13664:Domain of unknown function (DUF4149) (100.0%)
2293 1 1 1 PF00096:Zinc finger, C2H2 type (100.0%)
2294 1 1 1 PF00850:Histone deacetylase domain (100.0%)
2295 1 1 1 PF02466:Tim17/Tim22/Tim23/Pmp24 family (100.0%)
2296 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF13959:Domain of unknown function (DUF4217) (100.0%)
2297 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (33.3%)
2298 1 1 1 PF01063:Amino-transferase class IV (100.0%)
2299 1 1 1 PF00108:Thiolase, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2300 1 1 1 PF00628:PHD-finger (100.0%)
2301 1 1 1 PF08238:Sel1 repeat (100.0%)
2302 1 1 1 PF03134:TB2/DP1, HVA22 family (100.0%)
2303 1 1 1
2304 1 1 1 PF00278:Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase, C-terminal sheet domain (100.0%); PF02784:Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase, pyridoxal binding domain (100.0%)
2305 1 1 1 PF00004:ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) (100.0%); PF04212:MIT (microtubule interacting and transport) domain (100.0%); PF09336:Vps4 C terminal oligomerisation domain (100.0%); PF17862:AAA+ lid domain (100.0%); PF07728:AAA domain (dynein-related subfamily) (66.7%)
2306 1 1 1 PF02207:Putative zinc finger in N-recognin (UBR box) (100.0%); PF02617:ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS (100.0%); PF18995:Proteolysis_6 C-terminal (100.0%)
2307 1 1 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (66.7%)
2308 1 1 1 PF00439:Bromodomain (100.0%); PF01426:BAH domain (100.0%)
2309 1 1 1 PF17120:RING/Ubox like zinc-binding domain (66.7%)
2310 1 1 1 PF08631:Meiosis protein SPO22/ZIP4 like (100.0%)
2311 1 1 1 PF00134:Cyclin, N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF08613:Cyclin (100.0%)
2312 1 1 1 PF00400:WD domain, G-beta repeat (100.0%); PF07304:Steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA1) (33.3%)
2313 1 1 0 PF05724:Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) (100.0%); PF08241:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13649:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%); PF13847:Methyltransferase domain (100.0%)
2314 2 2 1 PF00106:short chain dehydrogenase (100.0%); PF13561:Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase (100.0%); PF08659:KR domain (80.0%)
2315 1 1 1
2316 1 1 1 PF00270:DEAD/DEAH box helicase (100.0%); PF00271:Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (100.0%)
2317 1 1 1 PF00557:Metallopeptidase family M24 (100.0%); PF01321:Creatinase/Prolidase N-terminal domain (100.0%); PF16188:C-terminal region of peptidase_M24 (100.0%); PF16189:Creatinase/Prolidase N-terminal domain (100.0%)
2318 1 1 1
2319 1 1 1 PF13881:Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like (100.0%)
2320 1 1 1 PF00648:Calpain family cysteine protease (100.0%); PF01067:Calpain large subunit, domain III (100.0%); PF04212:MIT (microtubule interacting and transport) domain (66.7%)
2321 1 1 1 PF00464:Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (100.0%)
2322 1 1 1 PF05383:La domain (100.0%)
2323 2 2 1 PF00675:Insulinase (Peptidase family M16) (100.0%); PF05193:Peptidase M16 inactive domain (100.0%)
2324 1 1 0 PF01554:MatE (100.0%)
2325 1 1 1 PF01103:Omp85 superfamily domain (100.0%)
2326 1 1 1 PF16978:SAPK-interacting protein 1 (Sin1), middle CRIM domain (100.0%); PF16979:SAPK-interacting protein 1 (Sin1), Pleckstrin-homology (100.0%)
2327 1 1 1 PF00155:Aminotransferase class I and II (100.0%)
2328 2 2 0
2329 1 1 1 PF20168:Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 protein (100.0%)
2330 1 1 1 PF02077:SURF4 family (100.0%)
2331 1 1 1 PF15469:Exocyst complex component Sec5 (100.0%)
2332 1 1 1 PF00173:Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain (100.0%); PF04116:Fatty acid hydroxylase (100.0%)
2333 1 1 0 PF09995:ER-bound oxygenase mpaB/B'/Rubber oxygenase, catalytic domain (100.0%)
2334 1 1 1 PF00856:SET domain (100.0%); PF01753:MYND finger (100.0%)
2335 1 1 1
2336 1 1 1 PF07757:Predicted AdoMet-dependent methyltransferase (100.0%)
2337 1 1 2 PF12223:Protein of unknown function (DUF3602) (75.0%)
2338 2 2 0 PF12296:Hydrophobic surface binding protein A (100.0%)
2339 1 1 1 PF00498:FHA domain (100.0%)
2340 1 1 1 PF00533:BRCA1 C Terminus (BRCT) domain (100.0%); PF12738:twin BRCT domain (100.0%); PF16770:Regulator of Ty1 transposition protein 107 BRCT domain (100.0%)
2341 1 1 1 PF05347:Complex 1 protein (LYR family) (100.0%)
2342 1 1 1
2343 1 1 0 PF00128:Alpha amylase, catalytic domain (100.0%); PF11941:Domain of unknown function (DUF3459) (50.0%)
2344 1 1 2 PF00644:Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase catalytic domain (75.0%); PF00179:Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (25.0%)
2345 1 1 1 PF01119:DNA mismatch repair protein, C-terminal domain (100.0%); PF02518:Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase (100.0%); PF13589:Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase (100.0%); PF08676:MutL C terminal dimerisation domain (66.7%)
2346 1 1 1 PF00160:Cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase/CLD (100.0%)
2347 1 1 1 PF12783:Guanine nucleotide exchange factor in Golgi transport N-terminal (100.0%); PF16206:C-terminal region of Mon2 protein (100.0%); PF16213:Dimerisation and cyclophilin-binding domain of Mon2 (100.0%)
2348 1 1 1 PF09804:DENN domain-containing protein 11 (100.0%)
2349 1 1 1 PF01399:PCI domain (66.7%)
2350 1 1 0 PF01522:Polysaccharide deacetylase (100.0%)
2351 1 1 1 PF00009:Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (100.0%); PF00679:Elongation factor G C-terminus (100.0%); PF03144:Elongation factor Tu domain 2 (100.0%); PF03764:Elongation factor G, domain IV (100.0%); PF14492:Elongation Factor G, domain III (100.0%)
2352 1 1 1 PF00621:RhoGEF domain (100.0%)
2353 1 1 1 PF20152:Family of unknown function (DUF6534) (100.0%)
2354 1 1 1 PF00240:Ubiquitin family (100.0%); PF11976:Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like (100.0%)
2355 1 1 1 PF01663:Type I phosphodiesterase / nucleotide pyrophosphatase (100.0%); PF19316:GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase membrane region (66.7%)
2356 1 1 1 PF00432:Prenyltransferase and squalene oxidase repeat (100.0%)
2357 1 1 2 PF06842:Protein of unknown function (DUF1242) (100.0%)
2358 2 1 1 PF06058:Dcp1-like decapping family (75.0%)
2359 1 1 1 PF03966:Trm112p-like protein (100.0%)
2360 2 2 0 PF03443:Auxiliary Activity family 9 (formerly GH61) (100.0%)
2361 1 1 1 PF00117:Glutamine amidotransferase class-I (100.0%); PF00185:Aspartate/ornithine carbamoyltransferase, Asp/Orn binding domain (100.0%); PF00988:Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase small chain, CPSase domain (100.0%); PF02142:MGS-like domain (100.0%); PF02222:ATP-grasp domain (100.0%); PF02729:Aspartate/ornithine carbamoyltransferase, carbamoyl-P binding domain (100.0%); PF02786:Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase L chain, ATP binding domain (100.0%); PF02787:Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase large chain, oligomerisation domain (100.0%); PF07478:D-ala D-ala ligase C-terminus (100.0%)
2362 1 1 1 PF01435:Peptidase family M48 (100.0%); PF16491:CAAX prenyl protease N-terminal, five membrane helices (100.0%)
2363 1 1 1 PF13869:Nucleotide hydrolase (100.0%)
2364 1 1 2 PF05024:N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase component (Gpi1) (100.0%)
2365 1 2 1 PF07047:Optic atrophy 3 protein (OPA3) (75.0%)
2366 1 1 1 PF01728:FtsJ-like methyltransferase (100.0%)
2367 1 1 1 PF14613:Protein of unknown function (DUF4449) (100.0%); PF19343:Family of unknown function (DUF5923) (100.0%)
2368 2 2 0 PF00326:Prolyl oligopeptidase family (50.0%); PF00561:alpha/beta hydrolase fold (50.0%); PF19283:Acylamino-acid-releasing enzyme, N-terminal domain (50.0%)
2369 1 1 1 PF03367:ZPR1 zinc-finger domain (100.0%)
2370 1 1 1 PF00557:Metallopeptidase family M24 (100.0%); PF05195:Aminopeptidase P, N-terminal domain (100.0%)
Showing orthogroup 1-2000
| 1-2000 || 2001-4000 || 4001-6000 || 6001-8000 || 8001-10000 || 10001-12000 || 12001-12062 || Show all |

© 2023 - Robin Ohm - Utrecht University - The Netherlands

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