Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainCE
Proteins with at least one of this domain24
Total domain count24

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
CE CE1 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1679.t1 2.7E-20 44 227
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g6615.t1 2.2E-51 24 280
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g957.t1 3.8E-16 504 679
CE12 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1790.t1 2.1E-46 18 228
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8840.t1 5.5E-27 410 538
CE16 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g2599.t1 1.6E-100 30 285
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g4169.t1 2.4E-97 28 283
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8292.t1 1.8E-57 37 232
CE18 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g3115.t1 2.2E-184 600 967
CE2 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g5788.t1 1.0E-16 168 360
CE3 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g7684.t1 6.8E-63 47 235
CE4 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1011.t1 1.8E-19 287 403
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1205.t1 4.7E-21 40 169
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g2222.t1 2.2E-31 127 254
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g2538.t1 5.4E-19 234 385
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g2949.t1 3.0E-21 45 149
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g3576.t1 7.2E-20 44 149
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g4943.t1 9.0E-29 56 178
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8822.t1 1.7E-18 48 154
CE5 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1503.t1 1.1E-16 246 444
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g837.t1 1.1E-41 29 234
CE8 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g1046.t1 1.4E-35 51 277
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8304.t1 5.6E-78 40 297
CE9 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8754.t1 4.7E-116 13 394

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