Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainCBM
Proteins with at least one of this domain9
Total domain count11

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
CBM CBM20 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g5206.t1 1.9E-28 510 601
CBM21 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g8000.t1 3.6E-33 313 420
CBM24 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g10001.t1 1.1E-25 450 524
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g10001.t1 2.0E-22 543 619
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g3367.t1 1.3E-27 451 526
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g3367.t1 6.9E-23 545 621
CBM43 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g5220.t1 2.7E-19 373 458
Pro_DTO130C1_2|g9884.t1 3.1E-17 378 465
CBM63 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g2866.t1 1.8E-18 414 483
CBM67 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g4451.t1 5.6E-23 15 156
CBM87 Pro_DTO130C1_2|g3115.t1 1.0E-110 385 599

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