Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainAA9
Proteins with at least one of this domain11
Total domain count11

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
AA AA9 Agabi119p4|011950 8.9E-67 36 264
Agabi119p4|021370 3.4E-59 8 226
Agabi119p4|024590 5.8E-47 8 203
Agabi119p4|032680 1.8E-59 7 223
Agabi119p4|032700 1.3E-61 7 225
Agabi119p4|043120 2.8E-60 16 217
Agabi119p4|046460 2.6E-61 12 231
Agabi119p4|066630 4.0E-74 5 222
Agabi119p4|655050 1.2E-70 10 229
Agabi119p4|702800 5.5E-63 24 228
Agabi119p4|744200 2.2E-58 6 204

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