Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH18
Proteins with at least one of this domain17
Total domain count17

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH18 Pro_DTO012A7_2|g1587.t1 4.6E-23 30 282
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g171.t1 8.2E-46 514 860
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g2219.t1 3.2E-60 55 363
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g3324.t1 1.6E-67 152 495
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g4328.t1 1.1E-80 3 354
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g5106.t1 1.2E-69 141 498
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6107.t1 3.7E-17 31 255
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6116.t1 5.7E-26 28 278
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g632.t1 7.7E-71 31 353
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6320.t1 1.2E-50 20 416
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6443.t1 9.6E-51 528 870
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6467.t1 1.4E-75 160 516
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g6689.t1 2.0E-44 158 380
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g7106.t1 2.9E-81 38 391
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g8479.t1 7.7E-69 129 477
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g9310.t1 7.1E-52 36 317
Pro_DTO012A7_2|g9708.t1 4.1E-67 42 394

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