Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH16
Proteins with at least one of this domain13
Total domain count13

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH16 GH16_1 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g4981.t1 4.2E-93 67 293
GH16_1 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g8522.t1 3.4E-82 67 300
GH16_1 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g8753.t1 1.3E-88 132 363
GH16_1 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g9476.t1 5.5E-83 132 361
GH16_18 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g1826.t1 5.4E-71 69 224
GH16_18 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g2319.t1 3.4E-71 67 222
GH16_18 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g364.t1 1.1E-70 70 226
GH16_18 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g5895.t1 3.0E-61 72 230
GH16_18 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g6520.t1 2.2E-67 66 224
GH16_19 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g5204.t1 4.1E-79 99 272
GH16_2 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g9363.t1 1.6E-144 276 605
GH16_22 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g794.t1 6.4E-86 573 817
GH16_3 Pro_DTO012A2_2|g1886.t1 4.8E-37 61 276

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