Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGT2
Proteins with at least one of this domain17
Total domain count19

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GT GT2 GT2_Chitin_synth_1 Ani_SJS38_1|g3210.t1 3.3E-76 234 397
GT2_Chitin_synth_1 Ani_SJS38_1|g455.t1 3.8E-71 225 393
GT2_Chitin_synth_1 Ani_SJS38_1|g7611.t1 1.2E-70 186 354
GT2_Chitin_synth_1 Ani_SJS38_1|g7958.t1 1.8E-79 294 456
GT2_Chitin_synth_1 Ani_SJS38_1|g8142.t1 2.8E-71 202 370
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g10209.t1 4.5E-291 672 1192
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g3210.t1 1.2E-20 375 585
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g455.t1 1.1E-20 370 573
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g7435.t1 1.7E-23 385 680
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g7692.t1 1.7E-240 1217 1723
GT2_Chitin_synth_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g7693.t1 1.2E-227 1039 1546
GT2_Glyco_tranf_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g120.t1 6.9E-19 22 219
GT2_Glyco_tranf_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g4820.t1 6.9E-19 113 343
GT2_Glyco_tranf_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g6910.t1 5.6E-31 45 285
GT2_Glyco_tranf_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g7070.t1 8.2E-27 281 489
GT2_Glyco_tranf_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g7397.t1 2.6E-33 282 494
GT2_Glyco_trans_2_3 Ani_SJS38_1|g424.t1 2.3E-38 69 299
GT2_Glycos_transf_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g3955.t1 3.8E-36 9 183
GT2_Glycos_transf_2 Ani_SJS38_1|g8307.t1 1.7E-22 106 331

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