Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH16_1
Proteins with at least one of this domain11
Total domain count11

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH16 GH16_1 AgabiH39|006720 2.3E-84 80 312
GH16_1 AgabiH39|009140 1.8E-83 161 403
GH16_1 AgabiH39|009570 9.2E-82 161 405
GH16_1 AgabiH39|028040 2.4E-90 63 295
GH16_1 AgabiH39|029740 2.2E-67 32 261
GH16_1 AgabiH39|038780 7.9E-74 74 302
GH16_1 AgabiH39|091940 9.8E-88 128 365
GH16_1 AgabiH39|092210 4.3E-84 97 327
GH16_1 AgabiH39|112090 1.1E-88 65 294
GH16_1 AgabiH39|113960 1.3E-81 106 340
GH16_1 AgabiH39|309500 5.9E-69 66 298

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