Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH13
Proteins with at least one of this domain7
Total domain count8

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH13 GH13_1 AgabiH39|059160 6.1E-122 97 402
GH13_22 AgabiH39|057010 3.9E-172 99 499
GH13_22 AgabiH39|057010 1.5E-93 1151 1617
GH13_25 AgabiH39|093830 8.4E-198 1108 1556
GH13_32 AgabiH39|022180 3.1E-98 61 328
GH13_40 AgabiH39|022260 2.1E-170 32 393
GH13_5 AgabiH39|086190 1.1E-136 65 407
GH13_8 AgabiH39|067100 1.2E-152 231 524

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