Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH43
Proteins with at least one of this domain8
Total domain count8

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH43 GH43_1 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g9261.t1 8.3E-154 4 342
GH43_13 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g9685.t1 1.5E-149 3 302
GH43_30 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g5440.t1 2.1E-93 120 396
GH43_30 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g7430.t1 6.5E-100 42 319
GH43_6 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g473.t1 6.6E-122 25 320
GH43_6 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g6118.t1 1.1E-125 88 404
GH43_6 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g6547.t1 7.0E-118 899 1202
GH43_6 Pro_DTO012A6_2|g9696.t1 2.2E-127 29 318

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