Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University


General information

CAZyme domainGH55
Proteins with at least one of this domain5
Total domain count6

Proteins with this CAZyme domain

Protein ID Name E-value Start End
Class Family Subfamily
GH GH55 Pro_DTO006G1_2|g4039.t1 2.6E-237 145 880
Pro_DTO006G1_2|g5994.t1 5.1E-145 45 391
Pro_DTO006G1_2|g5994.t1 5.0E-181 488 981
Pro_DTO006G1_2|g6049.t1 2.2E-267 233 975
Pro_DTO006G1_2|g7901.t1 8.1E-280 70 814
Pro_DTO006G1_2|g9644.t1 2.2E-224 7 661

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