Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University

PFAM Domain

General information

PFAM domainPF14639
Short nameYqgF
Long nameHolliday-junction resolvase-like of SPT6
Proteins with at least one of this domain1
Total domain count1
More informationPFAM website

Proteins with this PFAM domain

Note: all PFAM domains are shown for these proteins
Short name Long name E-value Start End Name
protein ID PFAM
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g6871.t1 PF14632 SPT6_acidic Acidic N-terminal SPT6 2.3E-17 40 122
PF14641 HTH_44 Helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain of SPT6 1.9E-35 283 406
PF14639 YqgF Holliday-junction resolvase-like of SPT6 4.1E-27 703 865
PF14635 HHH_7 Helix-hairpin-helix motif 7.2E-31 867 974
PF17674 HHH_9 HHH domain 4.3E-06 983 1032
PF14633 SH2_2 SH2 domain 3.0E-88 1191 1400
PF00017 SH2 SH2 domain 9.3E-05 1226 1303

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