Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University

PFAM Domain

General information

PFAM domainPF08407
Short nameChitin_synth_1N
Long nameChitin synthase N-terminal
Proteins with at least one of this domain5
Total domain count5
More informationPFAM website

Proteins with this PFAM domain

Note: all PFAM domains are shown for these proteins
Short name Long name E-value Start End Name
protein ID PFAM
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g1331.t1 PF08407 Chitin_synth_1N Chitin synthase N-terminal 1.4E-27 179 253
PF01644 Chitin_synth_1 Chitin synthase 1.3E-75 254 417
PF03142 Chitin_synth_2 Chitin synthase 7.7E-19 395 602
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g1739.t1 PF08407 Chitin_synth_1N Chitin synthase N-terminal 9.5E-28 146 225
PF01644 Chitin_synth_1 Chitin synthase 5.7E-68 226 394
PF03142 Chitin_synth_2 Chitin synthase 2.3E-20 371 572
PF13632 Glyco_trans_2_3 Glycosyl transferase family group 2 3.5E-09 374 599
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g3199.t1 PF08407 Chitin_synth_1N Chitin synthase N-terminal 1.0E-25 306 378
PF01644 Chitin_synth_1 Chitin synthase 2.4E-77 379 541
PF03142 Chitin_synth_2 Chitin synthase 7.2E-20 519 693
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g4435.t1 PF08407 Chitin_synth_1N Chitin synthase N-terminal 4.3E-26 41 120
PF01644 Chitin_synth_1 Chitin synthase 2.6E-68 121 289
PF03142 Chitin_synth_2 Chitin synthase 2.2E-21 266 444
PF13632 Glyco_trans_2_3 Glycosyl transferase family group 2 8.7E-09 269 494
Pro_DTO377G3_2|g5170.t1 PF08407 Chitin_synth_1N Chitin synthase N-terminal 6.5E-27 134 213
PF01644 Chitin_synth_1 Chitin synthase 2.5E-66 214 382
PF03142 Chitin_synth_2 Chitin synthase 2.2E-19 359 537
PF13632 Glyco_trans_2_3 Glycosyl transferase family group 2 1.9E-09 360 590

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