Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University

PFAM Domain

General information

PFAM domainPF09451
Short nameATG27
Long nameAutophagy-related protein 27
Proteins with at least one of this domain3
Total domain count3
More informationPFAM website

Proteins with this PFAM domain

Note: all PFAM domains are shown for these proteins
Short name Long name E-value Start End Name
protein ID PFAM
Agabi119p4|001350 PF09451 ATG27 Autophagy-related protein 27 1.8E-09 69 243
PF00878 CIMR Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor repeat 3.0E-05 125 173
Agabi119p4|584000 PF17389 Bac_rhamnosid6H Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase 6 hairpin glycosidase domain 3.9E-12 244 464
PF17390 Bac_rhamnosid_C Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase C-terminal domain 2.1E-05 567 624
PF09451 ATG27 Autophagy-related protein 27 1.2E-59 659 919
Agabi119p4|737450 PF09451 ATG27 Autophagy-related protein 27 8.7E-20 19 245

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