Fungal Genomics

at Utrecht University

PFAM Domain

General information

PFAM domainPF00867
Short nameXPG_I
Long nameXPG I-region
Proteins with at least one of this domain5
Total domain count5
More informationPFAM website

Proteins with this PFAM domain

Note: all PFAM domains are shown for these proteins
Short name Long name E-value Start End Name
protein ID PFAM
Agabi119p4|037110 PF00752 XPG_N XPG N-terminal domain 4.5E-05 1 96
PF00867 XPG_I XPG I-region 6.9E-18 116 216
PF18380 GEN1_C Holliday junction resolvase Gen1 C-terminal domain 6.6E-24 416 519
Agabi119p4|081000 PF00752 XPG_N XPG N-terminal domain 1.5E-27 1 96
PF00867 XPG_I XPG I-region 4.3E-26 816 897
Agabi119p4|105270 PF00752 XPG_N XPG N-terminal domain 3.2E-34 1 108
PF00867 XPG_I XPG I-region 4.3E-28 150 234
Agabi119p4|109610 PF00752 XPG_N XPG N-terminal domain 1.5E-18 6 87
PF12813 XPG_I_2 XPG domain containing 4.4E-07 122 177
PF00867 XPG_I XPG I-region 2.0E-22 130 223
Agabi119p4|699900 PF00752 XPG_N XPG N-terminal domain 1.7E-05 1 98
PF00867 XPG_I XPG I-region 9.5E-13 720 796

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